ps, ah, I did not see this until just this evening.
I cannot argue the dreamy aesthetic of the Pathi (twin Pathos Classic One amps; if that route is taken, I strongly suggest staying with a pair of the MkIII version). In terms of visual appeal and that unique, strong midrange presence they are quite attractive.
The Wells Audio equipment is also excellent, as can be seen in my work at
To date the best amplifier I have ever handled is the Legacy Audio i.V4 Ultra, which review has just recently been published. Perhaps looking at the review would help you to determine whether you would like to try matching that amp to your speakers. I cannot comment on how it might match up with a Wells Audio preamp, as I have no experience in that combo, and it would be a guess. I'm not sure how ideal the combo of the higher output of the Commander and the i.V Ultra amp would be. No fault with either product, but there may be matching concerns. Perhaps it would be stunning.
See the review at to learn more about the i.V Ultra amp. Imo, it has no sonic downside, and would eliminate the "warm season" issue of tube amplification.
As to pairing gear, no one can say whether you would prefer the Pathi to the Wells pre with the Legacy i.V Ultra amp, or a dedicated DAC directly into the Majestic.
I run the i.V Ultra amps direct from DAC and depending upon the DACs functionality, I either use software attenuation (if dedicated DAC), or the DACs volume control (if it's an integrated DAC).
Bottom line is that I could build gorgeous systems with any of it. A key to that would be my recommendation of Iconoclast Cables, also reviewed, and as important as the components.