Warm, rich sounding interconnects?

My system is in flux at the moment with a Wadia Intuition 01 as preamp/amp/DAC bookshelf Tyler speakers and (horror of horrors) an iPhone with an Auris bluetooth connection for the current audio source. Since bluetooth at best sounds somewhat thin and tilted up on higher frequencies, it doesn’t play necessarily well with the Wadia which is great sounding overall but also can be on the revealing side.

I know I should get a better source - but even so I’ll always want the option of wireless in various situations. I’ve owned Purist Audio Museaus’s (rev-c’s) in the past, which would be perfect, but sadly sold them on A-gon some time ago. Those are hard to find and the newer Purist cables are brighter sounding.

So in a nutshell I’m looking for interconnects which will deepen and darken the sound for my current setup - and new/used for under $400. Any ideas?
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BTW: I use Purist Neptune line & Poseidon. I find them a tad warmer and easier to listen too compared to the Ferox filled.


I love boxing, because it's the best educational sport ever made on planet! The key phrase of referee "Protect yourself at all times" is extremely important and useful.

A single punch or quantity delivered to opponent drastically increases one's awareness and improves speed of thinking and tactical flexibility within certain rules.

Aside of political matters or politicians, the quality of aka counterfeit Chinese products -- guess what? --  increases and soon will overwhelm these so-called authentic stuff that is worth no more than few minutes of labor to create pair of hook-up wires + few more pennies for raw materials.

Another educational subject that I really like is math, because any dogmatic or delusional case can be easily revealed by building a simple math equation or matrix of such!

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czarivey, I agree with you on both accounts.
I believe most (inorganic) things can be explained by math (and physics) and so of course I am skeptical of audiophile products that require a large amount of advertising and a groundswell of support on forums to develop a cadre of believers.  Years of participating in this hobby, and working with various well-regarded manufacturers who have helped me purchase and modify my gear, has only increased my skepticism.
Regarding boxing, Mike Tyson said it pretty well,
"Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth."  
Ok rotarius, I failed to see that your point focused on intellectual property.  Your post seemed more interested in discussing your politics of denouncing corporations and executives who
all they care about is the results at the end of the quarter and their own bonuses
how  quality suffers, ..... but by then these guys have moved on
You seemed to know exactly how corporate executives think and how they line their pockets on the backs of
the poor bloke who makes 5 bucks a day
Especially in audio, there are many companies whose owners stay the course through thick and thin, over many years and, while they may make compromises and even outsource to meet market pressures, still stand behind their products and maintain quality.

In America, at the end of the day, the consumer votes with their wallet.  Corporations who do not provide value typically do not survive the competition.
I guess my input on this ends since my last post was removed by a moderator.

  “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”
Isaac Asimov

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czarivey, I have worked in engineering across several industries.  All the components for equipment "made in USA" came from China.
That's nonsense.

Well said - Isaac Asimov. I deal with it every day.
Humans are god's chlildren. Like the father like the son.
how would you compare Neptune to Poseidon? I never heard the latter.
"The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” 

Actually it's a true notion.  Democracy means one person, one vote (civic diligence not a factor).   
Democracy is literally translated from Greek as "grip of the people". Can be interpreted differently.
Yes, he did, but I suspect he thought a lot about it in general too.
One ignorant or stupid person - one vote would not be a problem. Millions of ignorant or stupid people - millions of votes would be a totally different matter, wouldn't it?
“The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.”
-Winston Churchill (allegedly)
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Read Azimov's 'The End of Eternity'. It is all much more complicated than average voter Churchill appears to have thought.
Audioquest Water (or older Columbia) should fit the bill. But if you're talking about the Tyler Taylo Reference monitors, then nothing is going to pull out the bass short of adding a sub or going to bigger speakers (great midrange/treble/soundstage though). 
Fairly recently I sold Pioneer SX838 $319.xx and really wonder how to justify labor and raw material cost to build hook-up wire of matching price vs. restoration service and calibration of Pioneer SX838?

I also wonder what is justification of $30k wire vs. Steinway grand?
Washburn ES335 vs. $300 wire

Does any audiophile know how to count??

Note, I would never rise these questions in 70’s, 80’s when everything was fairly reasonable and matching the quality and beauty of design, but perhaps should some day attend these audiofests with mike and recorder to curiously ask manufacturers how THEY justify.

I also noted that trivial mathematical problems are somehow excluded from school programs and other useful things to life also excluded.
Seems like school is the tool to replace common sense with nonsense to generate ’real democratic’ voters!
I won't disagree with that.
I think, yuppi so-called audiophiles very much  drive this nonsense.
Anyone care for a $3k bottle of French wine?
By the way, my Nak682ZX cassette deck cost about $1650-$1800 in the year 1981. Great deck but might've been overpriced too.
However, I do think that great equipment has the right to cost a lot more than just a good one regardless of labour and material cost.
Custom Paco de Lucia guitars by Conde Hermanos cost  a lot. I heard one of those guitars played by him. Fantastic instrument with incredible power for an acoustic guitar.
$35k wire? They can go..you know what..themselves. $10k wire? Well, I would listen.
It was like that with Harleys. I owned 2 bikes, one used and another I purchased new because it was affordable. Then in the late 90s and 2000’s every Yuppie, businessman, and poseur wanted in and Harley had to step up production. It became a symbol of status and they had no problem paying the inflated prices for a bike plus accessories.
Now a new Harley can cost $30K to $ 35K. And their bikes are now sitting in the garage.
Or original and even second generation BMW M3. It was never inexpensive but the price was reasonable and it was a real daily driver's car. No, I didn't have it, unfortunately, but I intend to get this vintage one day. Or the original M5.
And I am tired of paying $300 monthly bills for three cell phones. That's over $35k for ten years.
Anyway, I did pay over $1k for a pair of new Purist Neptune RCAs to replace old Colossus. In my modest system the difference was really big. But I am not paying $2k for Neptune speaker cables, not yet, but I will in time, or for older Purist Dominus. After upgrading both the amp and the speakers.
With electorial college and gerrymandering one vote in a swing state is 
worth a hundred in a red or blue one . Democracy is one man = one vote .

I'm noman -- so no vote.

When I own some politicians, maybe I will have some votes. I figured they might be cheaper to purchase than some precious high end pieces of audio and definitely seem to be smarter investment.

czarivey, I think you are just as an anarchist as I am. True anarchist rejects external authority in any form, democratically elected or not, there is no difference.

no i'm self-imperialist

i do not reject democratically elected leaders, but there's no such thing as.

Generally speaking, people are so submissive, especially men. This is a disaster and it is getting worse.
I stopped going to school since 13 by finding excuses day by day attending only quizes and exams fulfilling only bare necessary minimum to pass from grade to grade and I do not regret that. School is mechanism of making population submissive, obedient and deprived from common sense. Glad my sons found place on professional dance stage and pay little to no attention on what's going on in school.
School is mechanism of making population submissive, obedient and deprived from common sense.
School is also a place to learn science and math, you know the stuff that makes this hobby possible and provides you the means to communicate your views online.  Don't you mean religious institutions?
We have interconnects that we bundle with digital equipment for our clients. It's very musical and detailed but adds a little body so it's perfect for application like yours. They're $25/pair plus shipping with money back guarantee, contact me offline if interested and I'll put it up for sale on Audiogon.

Personally, I equally dismiss $25 and $25k interconnects. Let's cut the guano, good cables cost at least hundreds new. If someone is capable of making them himself that's another story.
Next thing I know I will hear that there are great sounding $1k new speakers. 
MG Audio Design is my choice.  I first lerned about them from Arnie Nudell and later found out that his friend Paul McGowan also uses them.  As their cost is only $1600 for a one meter pair of their top of the line interconnects, $900 for a half meter pair, I am able to afford some of them.  Not having any experience with the super expensive stuff out there, I myself comment.  But I do know that they are far, far superior to a previous Audioquest $1800 pair of their previous Niagsra interconnects, plus my pair of Audience 24AUse  pair-their previous top of the line model.  Supposidly members of the Colorado Audio Society have themself compared them to Nordhost Osin II's, with very favorible results.  That is all I can say.  With Audio Research LS27, Rega Osiris integrated, Martin/Logsn speakers, I myself get incredible results using MG Audio Design interconncts.
Inna, been involved in high and ultra high end industry for nearly three decades selling systems in the hundreds of thousands most are wired with very inexpensive cables. Statements like above about cable prices only prove your limited experience!

It's easy spending other people's money but it's wasteful when it's not needed specially in this case that OP has a specific need, looking for somewhat of a band-aid.

I myself have fond MG Audio Design interconnects a great choice for the money.  I firsr learned about the thru comments made by Arnie Nudell in his review of an modified Oppo 105.  I tried them out and loved them.  I still cannot afford their one meter top of the line interconnects which go for $100 for a one meter pair.  But fortunatlu for me they srll half meter pairs for 900.  I later learned that Arnie's good friend Pat McGowan also uses MG Audio Design wires for his own system.  I have also read that a group of members from the Colorsdo Audio Society preferred them to the top of the line Nordhost interconnects during  demonstration.  I myself can not compare them to the big named competition, but I do think that they deserve looking into.  Do not judge them by their price.  And their mid level interconnects, at $1100 for a one meter pair is a truly best buy.
Some do report that, say, Mogami balanced cables perform very well in some systems. I think they are $100 1m pair or so.
My experience is limited but my hearing is good enough.
Actually, you can get the Mogami Gold Studio balanced 6’ cable (which comes terminated with a Neutrik XLR) for about $45/pr at Guitar Center.
Monsignor, I would keep in mind that most or all of the multitude of cable suggestions that have been made are based on experiences with systems that are much more accurate and musically resolving than the results you’ve indicated your setup is providing. And the results you’ve described are not surprising, given that the most expensive Auris product I see listed sells for $169, while providing DAC as well as Bluetooth functionality.

So my feeling is that the intrinsic differences between the cables that have been suggested will be swamped by the inaccuracies of the Auris device, and will not be perceivable in your setup. Also, I see that the $169 bluMe device, which I suspect is what you are using, has a particularly low output impedance (57 ohms), which will also work in the direction of reducing sensitivity to cable differences. Especially in comparison with the tube-based products that I suspect are used by many of the others who have posted.

Also, I see that the bluMe provides an optical S/PDIF output as well as unbalanced analog outputs. If that device is what you are using, it may be worthwhile trying a digital connection to the Wadia, rather than the analog connections you seem to be referring to.

In any event, good luck as you proceed. Regards,
-- Al

rotarius, my higher education was slightly different from school and supported with my personal desire to learn certain things i wanted and i needed to know. once i've established myself as professional in my sophomore years, i dropped from college too. 
Cardas Clear are industry reference! Price is outrages! Get Cardas clear performance at 1/3 the price from Walter Wegrzyn Cable Co, Mesa Arizona! Custom cables! Silver core cables at very fair pricing! 
Wegrzyn11@cox.net- This guys cables blow the socks off National brands! My system just topped 80k ! All my connections are Walters cables!
I don't see how cables could sound warm or rich, unless they are distorting or rolling off the signal being fed to them. Better to find neutral cables, and you can always add a tubed component or two for 'midrange liquidity'.
Almarg - Yes I'm using the Auris blueMe (double entendre for sure).  I didn't realize that it had a low impedance - how would that affect the sound?  

I've tried both optical and interconnect, and for me the analog has a more natural sound.  My assumption was that the Auris wouldn't have the DAC in the path of the analog being an inexpensive device - but I have no idea.  In fact the WADIA DOES convert analog to digital but does an amazing job of keeping the analog very analog sounding.

But unlike with other sources the analog sounds tilted up in the high's and I assumed that was the blue-tooth since that's what it's know for, but maybe the lack of impedance also has something to do with it.  

The optical sounds a bit warmer and actually more detailed, but the analog sounds a bit airier and more natural.  So it seemed like the interconnects could be the problem.  The Museaus's were shrill and unfocused, and I've replaced them with AQ Cinnamons which are better but could still use some weight and warmth.  

Thanks for your in-depth look at my setup!