VPI HW 16,5 vs. Okki Nokki

I want a record cleaner, but witch one will be best?

VPI HW 16,5 or Okki Nokki, or will you recomend another?

I agree, VPI makes some great equipment. However, its current machines are old technology. Ultra sonic is the newer technology and does a much better job of cleaning. So while currently ultra is more expensive, it is the future. No special fluids needed. Rumor has it that Harry is working on his own version of ultra. Those efforts will be a challenge as the patents for the technology in place a very strong. So, if you want the best, beyond VPI and Keith Monks, go ultra. Any don't forget the steam.
I've used both and ended up preferring the Okki Nokki.

The advantages over the VPI:

1. It's quieter
2. Spins in both directions
3. Platter runs indefinitely without getting hot.
4. Aluminum outer casing

The one thing the Okki Nokki lacks is a proven track record, I've not had any problems with mine (1.5 years use) but time will tell. Also, the price has gone up $100 since I bought mine so it's not quite the bargain it used to be.
Ive used the Okki Nokki as my first record cleaner. The motor froze during the first year and was quickly replaced by Audioquest. I don't think that this is a common problem with this unit. Replacement unit works fine!
I also have an Okki Nokki-really looked into both the machines and went with the Okki Nokki because I felt that it did a better job cleaning my vinyl than the VPI-both are very fine machines. BTW the Okki Nokki is much quieter than the VPI-this doesn't mean that it is quite though.