Vintage TT - looking to add one - recommendations?

I have a Denon DP-45F table mated to a Denon DL-301MKII - love it!!

I am going to keep my eyes open for a second deck and wondering if you have any strong recommendations. I like direct drive tables and it needs to at the least have an automatic return.
With some health issues the need for the table to end on its own is important. It doesn't need to return even or turn off....just lift!!

A step up would be nice. I would consider belt driven too. I'm open!!

I am thinking a Denon DP59L maybe. Any other decks you would have me consider?

Thanks in advance for your input. I appreciate it.

In this price range: Lenco L75. I own three top end direct-drives, which I love dearly, but my Lenco holds its own among them. With all due respect, IMO the Lenco if well set up will be superior in many ways to mid-level vintage direct-drives. Depends on how one hears turntables and what one wants from the turntable, proper (as opposed to tonearm/cartridge).
A buddy in Australia just bought that same TT and absolutely loves it. They do perform very well. As stated, my DP-45F mated to the DL301MKII is a lovely sounding combo.

Enjoy your TT.

I just recently purchased a Denon DP-62 and love it. These vintage TTs are so well built and sturdy.
Yes Lewm - I understand that might give some a bit of a thought process, however I don't know what the budget is yet. I do realize that the "sky's the limit" so to speak.

As stated, an upgrade in sonics (if you will) is important. I don't just want what I already have in terms of soundstage, other dynamics, etc. And the DP-45F and the DL301MKII are a terrific combination - so a move up is where I am heading.

I would think around $1000 (table and cart) or so would be where the limit would be.

Thanks for all the feedback - much appreciated.

It would help a lot if you would give a price range. Any of the tables mentioned, including your own, can be bettered, if more bucks are involved.
The Denon 47F would be a good addition. I've a couple and have given them as gifts to my kids to get them interested in vinyl. The are a 'no fuss' entry to great music.
I have a Sony PS-X7, which is a x-6 with a carbon fiber arm, it has new phono cables with Eichmans and has a totally manual function. EVERYONE is surprised by its performance.
No post 1st time. Let's try this again.
I have a 33 year old Yamaha YP-D8, which I love.
Rock solid build with auto shutoff, built-in strobe and hinged dust cover. While I might supplement it with a second TT one day, I would not be likely to part with the Yamaha.
I have a Sony PS-X6 that I think is great. It's fully automatic which is the reason I bought it. I already had a couple of Pink Triangle manual tables for the extreme listening and wanted an auto for casual listening in a spare system. I was very surprised by its performance.
I own a Yamaha PX-2 and a PX-3. They are linear trackers, direct drive and really do a good job for me. I like the PX-2 better since it has a heavier platter and better feet, but I would recommend them both.

I have a vintage JVC QL-Y5F automatic dd table. I paid around $350 for it on agon a little less than a year ago. I have been looking for a vintage Yamaha table to match my all Yamaha vintage system, and I just bought one today. My JVC came with a $100 retail ortofon cartridge on it. I would be willing to let it go for $200 plus shipping without the cartridge or $250 with the cartridge, plus shipping from WI.

Let me know if you have any interest and we can talk further.

With Regards,
I love my 33 year old Yamaha YP-D8. Rock solid with auto shut-off, built in strobe and hinged dust cover. Easy on the eyes too.
I always like the Denon DD 'tables. The DP-60 and 62 were very nice units...
