Video, Why dont audiophiles listen to each other.

She knows all too well the abusive and insulting comments that can be cast at anyone that doesn’t fit into the “Old Boy’s Club” in audiophile circles.

The audio establishment is also segmented into different groups and ideologies and it’s rare to find consensus on some topics.



A little off topic but I've never pushed the "report this" button. Does it go to Tammy's Iphone for review? Is there a senior leadership team that reviews these post? 😂 is it a keywork algorithm?

I spend around 6 years off Audiogon and it seems like the removed posts are piling up daily. I would like to propose a category where all these posts are compiled. 

I gotta think on this one. Do I want to be nice? NO.. that was easy.. :-)

My buddy from New Orlins' use to say,

"You got mad in those pants,"

"Now you need to get glad in those pants."

Makes sense.

Happy New Year

@thyname, Everyone who has met mc and reported back has said that he is in fact a fine fellow and I'm sure he is.  People who don't like Tektons should probably just stay off those threads.  

@tomcy6 Miller carbon is a fine fellow. Unless you say something, anything, bad on Tekton speakers, at which point hell breaks loose 😂

@tomcy6 Well said and I agree. Pot meet Kettle (self reflection)  I see my faults too.

@millercarbon, You used to do a lot of threadcrapping and insulting of other posters yourself, and still do some. I think that’s where some of the vitriol that is directed towards you comes from.

Also, your "I’m a genius and you’re not" schtick is not my idea of how to maintain civility on a forum, but that’s just my opinion.

IMHO, the best way to maintain civility on a forum is to try to be respectful of others no matter how different their ideas or tastes are from yours.

Complaining that others are not showing civility or demanding that others be civil are not that helpful in my experience.

So in the New Year why don’t we all (this is definitely not solely directed at mc) try to drop our grudges and quit trying to annoy others on purpose. I say try because we all fail to be civil sometimes, but if we all try to be more civil, the Audiogon Forums will be a much happier, more informative place.

No, it is not "life in the forums" that makes it sound passive and inevitable. When in fact it is individual people who make it that way. It is their doing, not some gauzy "life in the forums". 

Plenty of people, way more than you would think, come here for information and help but lurk instead of participating simply because they don't want to be exposed to the attacks. Like just today ozzy62 went out of his way to slam me, even though he had to go far outside the original topic to do so and then in the end he shows he agrees! Yet somehow my comments are off base, while his are fine.

The situation is so bad I get a regular flow of people asking me questions. But they do so privately, not wanting to be exposed to such as these. Put in a fair chunk of time helping one yesterday. 

Fine with me, I am happy to help. It is however a travesty to have people afraid to share information in public. This is all due to the same let me not get in trouble and say point of view that is extremely biased and hypocritical about what people can and cannot say.

You know it. They know it. We all know it. 

So if you agree don't just say you agree. Words are cheap. That's why we denigrate it with tags like virtue signaling. Don't say you have virtue. Show actual virtue! When people make "life in the forums" unbearable, call them out. Report them, sure. But do more. Stand up and show exactly how they are wrong. Like I did ozzy62. He was flat out wrong, posting for no other reason than to attack me. Called him out. Can't stop him. But now it is clear to all those silent lurkers who is who. Who knows, they may not remain silent forever.

Meantime, things being what they are, I am happy to encourage them to ask me directly. Everyone who has can vouch for the value in that. Kind of value that could be found here, if only more individuals would stand up for it.

@millercarbon breath man, I agree and there are some who are bushwhackers waiting for you or other contributors they have targeted.

Not right but life in the forums unfortunately.

You know what's better than that video? About a million times? My personal experience! 

Once again today I put in a good chunk of time helping someone with a question they stated up front that they were asking me privately rather than on the forum specifically because of all the crap that brings. At the very least they have to filter through "answers" from people who seem to have not bothered to read the question (not listening, what the lady in the video said!) and of course it gets a lot worse than that. 

Another problem that comes up a lot, a question gets answered but someone doesn't like the answer and so it gets removed. Censored. Shut up. 

Why don't audiophiles listen to each other? Which ones we talkin about? If only the censors names were made public we would find out in a hurry.

Dave's perfectly fine post was removed. I've seen a LOT of perfectly fine posts removed lately. Why don't audiophiles listen to each other? Why, I don't know. But the ones around here sure don't.

Post removed