Vandersteen 5a - Setup help needed


First of all let me apologize for my English as its not my first language and if something does not make sense, please let me know.

I recently heard pair of Vandersteen 5a playing Pink Floyd and was stunned by the sound. System was driven by Sound Research preamp/amp -  not sure about specifics. By pure coincidence I was on vacation in Florida and found a pair for SALE! I pulled the trigger without even thinking how it will work for me.

Here I am and have no idea how to make it work with what I have:

Arcam AVR850
MCintosh MA250 integrated amp
Cambridge Audio 851n

I tried reaching out to local dealer and Vandersteen and was told its not possible due to crossover situation. However Arcam Avr850 does have a preamp out and ability to connect power amp. I tried tech support and nothing so far...any help will be much appreciated. If what i have is not in any way compatible....what would be a budget configuration I could use? 

Thank you
(((Setting the High Pass filters to different settings will not damage anything.))) This is not true for example with the 1,2,3 VLR and Treo series because they are full-range speakers / high passed settings are very important w/ Vandersteen subs you can adjust the dip switches to go one adjustment below main amps input impedance, exactly at or up as high as you need. When it comes to the Quatros, Five, New Kento, and Sevens series they all must have the high pass set perfectly @ 100 HZ, Kento 200HZ or it could be a costly mistake. Confirming this with a Voltmeter and Vandertones as read in Vandertones confirms how to set the proper adjustment settings. Best JohnnyR
IF you want to get it up and running with the ARCAM 429 amp the input impedence is claimed to be 10 K Ohm 
You have some great speakers. If I were you, I'd sell my equipment and put the money into something better, like Ayre.
I understand that you don't want to spend more money, but in this case, I think it would be the best move.
Yes your zone 2 approach will work.

download and read the 5a manual

you must know the input impedence of the power amp you use for zone 2

that power amp must have rca inputs.

consult table on M5 filters to set dip switches inside each M5 

@stringreen ,
Setting the High Pass filters to different settings will not damage anything.
The only result will be either too little or too much bass.
+1 on recommending John Rutan at Audioconnection.
I sent email to Vandersteen support ( I think it was Richard who replied) and basically provided all of the equipment I have and asking which if any configuration can work. My McIntosh is 100% integrated it listed as one on McIntosh site and it says that on the front panel.

Yes, I do have this filter with RCA connections. I did not see anything in Arcam manual allowing me to do use software for high pass filter, but even if it did it would be to risky. He and you both pointed to possible damage if it does not work somehow.

Currently Arcam AVR850 is running with with P429 power amplifier. Basic atmos setup.  I see more pre amp out available and was thinking to add another amp and create zone2 which would use that instead of other stuff being connected. Zone2 theoretically will be 5a's

Also I have Cambridge 851n which is digital pre amp and there is 851w stereo amp available for it. That is another path I can take.

I asked if local Vandersteen dealer would provide setup and was told only for things I purchase from them....

I'm trying not to loose focus and get it to a finish line and with all this help I'm confident something great will come out. I did not see any setup videos and any links would very much appreciated.
If you set your high pass filter wrong, you could do damage.  You have to know the output impedance of your then have to figure out the correct settings.   A great person to talk to is John at Audio Connection.
Looked at your 386 page ARCAM manual, argh..
there is a software implemented filter ( section E-26 ) however no slope is specified and you must have 6db per octave to get the magnificent 5a subwoofer to work properly.

So I would NOT recommend that approach.

Hello Olegus,

If you talked with Richard at Vandersteen he may have heard that you have a video receiver that you want to connect to an integrated amplifier his response would be that won’t work as most integrateds don’t have a direct connection to the amplifier section. That being said many McIntosh integrateds and receives do have that direct connection. I am not too familiar with this McIntosh but the model you have listed is a stereo amplifier not an integrated. The integrated will have inputs marked on the back but this is to the preamp and not directly to the amplifier.  It appears the Arcam is RCA (single-ended) output. The Vandersteen Crossovers are built to be either RCA or XLR not both. Here is a picture of the proper crossover for the Model 5A Is this what you have? Although Tomic601 may be correct about programing the Arcam internally, I wouldn’t do that as the risk to damaging the drivers is too great, and Vandersteen uses very expensive drivers that have high reliability at normal volumes. Congrats on your purchase of a great speaker and don’t loose focus of your experience that lead to buying them. You can get there. If you find you can connect the crosover inline between the Arcam and the McIntosh amplifer section, call Vandersteen back about how to measure your amplifier input at 100 hertz to properly set your crossover as the next step. I will update the setup worksheet to show those instuctions later today and you can download that from the resources section of the website. Finally there is a video that shows Richard setting the bass on the speakers. Most of our dealers will do these steps for you for a fee to visit if they did not sell you the speakers.  Worst case you will need another amplifier and the local Vandesteen dealer can certainly help with that.
I can’t get your ARCAM manual to download but you MIGHT be able to implement the 6db per octave high pass filter with software inside the ARCAM and therefore use the the 2x130
wpc internal ARCAM power amp. Goof up and turn off that high pass by accident and you will damage the 5a
Yes !!! The arcam serving as a preamp with the high pass into a power amp will work!!

Here is the link to exact MA252 I have

This one defiantly does not have pre out/in. I reached out to McIntosh to see if there is a trick to make it work and was told it was not possible.
Please confirm your gear part numbers, McIntosh makes an MA252 which does not have pre out / power amp in. To use this you would need to modify it and imo done properly will sound great w 5a. 100 wpc is probably the minimum.
I do have the crossovers and I tried reaching out to Vandersteen, but was told they don't have any experience with Arcam and it wont work. However I don't understand why it wont work if i have preamp out and theoretical amp on the other side. 

I also tried local Vandersteen dealer with not luck as well...other than an offer to purchase Parasound preamp/amp. I don't mind doing it, but on top of being another 3-5k...more equipment will be added. I'm hoping that someone/somewhere did connect 5a with Arcam or another receiver and can provide how they did it.
First download and read the 5a manual !

you must use a high pass 6db per octave filter between your preamp and power amp and to properly configure the filter you must know the input impedence of your power amp OR be able to use a voltmeter while playing the Vandertones disc or download test tones.

When you purchased the 5a did you also get the M5 high pass filters ? IF so are they RCA or XLR ?

Do not run your 5a full range without a filter !!

properly setup the 5a are world class.

Vandersteen will be able to answer your questions best. But do you have the proprietary crossovers made by Vandersteen? You will need them for the 5A’s. 
Since the 5As have built in subs you gear should work on them the better the equipment the better they will sound I used mine with older Counterpoint preamp and SA-100 power amps and they worked just as well as any I had heard.