using a jumper cable - connect which set of post?

This may be a stupid question. I am using a pair of floorstanders that have dual binding post. I am not
Bi-amping so, I am using a set of jumper cables. When using jumper cables, is there any benefit to connecting to one set of post over another. I will be using the stock jumper cables that came with the speakers until I can afford a nice set of bi-wire cables. Do you connect to the high or low set when using jumper cables? Thanks.
The brass jumpers that came with my Silverline speakers are PERFECT. We're talking about an inch...AN I'm all upset...
I have always preferred using the Type 4, or CV-4, as internal biwire, with each of the four internal wires going to one of the biwire binding posts.
One more thing to consider--instead of bi-wiring, consider getting a set of really good jumpers between the posts, preferably the same cable you are running from the amp to the speaker. The brass jummpers that come with most speakers are really not very good, and a good jumper can deliver substantial improvement in the sound. I don't have vast experience in this area, but, a friend who does audio for a living generally prefers a good set of jumpers to bi-wiring.
My experience with cars and motorcycles is that they ABSOLUTELY perform better when clean. Maybe the dirt causes tiny amounts of wind any case it's an indisputable "personal" fact. Science says that, indeed, "strapped" speaker posts represent a single electrical point to the crossover input and nobody should be able to tell what post the cable is plugged into...the fact that some claim they can hear a difference is something I can accept completely as I now go out to ride my spotless motorcycle.
I am using a pair of B&W 804 diamond floorstanders with audioquest type 4 cables. I am using the B&W supplied jumper cables.
This is journey with a trial and error path. It may come down to that it depends on the speakers and the cables used. Go figger..

For Me:

MAIN SYSTEM: NORDOST FREY shotggunned cables and shotgunned jumpers on Rega R9 speakers

Upon experimantation what worked best was the
-- (+) and (-) shotgunned speaker cables run directly from the amp to their respective HF driver speaker terminals; and

-- the NORDOST shotgunned jumpers then run from the HF speaker terminals to the respective (+) and (-) LF speaker terminals.

B SYSTEM: ATLAS ASCENT cables on TANNOY Revolution DC-6 speakers

I found that upon experimantation what worked best was:

-- the Positive speaker cables lead (red) run directly from the amp to the HF (+) speaker terminal and

-- the same cable matched negative (-) (black) run directly from the amp to the LF (-) speaker terminal.

-- The ATLAS jumpers then run as follows:

** the + (red) HF terminal to the red (+) terminal on the LF terminal driver.
** Similarly the second jumper runs from the HF (-) terminal to the LF (-) terminal

See other alternatives highlighted below:
My experience,and the experience of the two guys who listened with me, was that there was a readily detectable difference between using the top and bottom -- more readily detectable than a lot of other differences routinely claimed to be "not subtle."

It may be that the differences was just "different" not "better" or "worse" -- matter of personal taste -- but my speakers seem to do better in the low using the low posts.

I can respect the point that it should make no difference at all. That is not what my ears are telling me though. Also, the fact that I am using the stock jumper cables that came with my speakers. I am not using a shortened piece of cable that is identical to my main cables. I have had my main cables connected to the low frequency post for over a year now. I am very familiar with that sound. When I did switch it to the high post, it did brighten the sound to a degree. I don't know if this is because of a loss of bass or a better connection to the mid/tweet. After listening to these speakers with the cables on the low post for such a long time, this sounded too bright to me. Nothing has changed drastically but, I can detect a subtle change. The thought never crossed my mind to connect one wire to the high post and one to the low. I did try this and I like it better than connecting both to the high post only. It seems a bit more detailed and not as bright in the high post connection. I will say again, this is not a night and day difference. It is subtle but, it does exist. I have had other people in the room listen and not tell them what post I have switched it to. It can be picked up by other people as well. I think I will leave it in this high/low connection for a bit and see how I like it.

If the posts are connected by a jumper cable, they are electrically the same point. Therefore................
I say hedge your bet by plugging your speaker wire into one up and one down post...and reverse them every other day. The distinction between biwire cables and jumpers is clear as it regards 2 wiring scenarios, but my main speakers (Silverline Preludes) sound better single wired with the supplied gold plated brass jumpers...more coherent, unlike myself. I was told by the speaker's designer that this was the case, and was also warned NOT to lose the jumpers as he would charge me for new ones. I assume he's replaced more than a few of these so he's not shy about the warning. I think wondering what posts to use for the main wire with jumpers is a classic example of the gonzo side of this hobby, along with claiming that the use of a one inch strip of your wire instead of a pair of thick solid brass jumpers would somehow make an audible difference...but then I like gonzo.
I have been running the direct connection to the low frequency post. I did try moving it to the high frequency post for a few days. It does seem a bit more detailed but also harsher as well. I have become accustomed to the sound from the low set of post. That is just what sounds right to me. Thanks for the thoughts guys.

I would also suggest you try jumpers identical to your speaker cable, you may find you don't need new biwire cables.
As can already be seen in this thread, opinions on this question will inevitably be diverse. Some people say to use the low frequency posts, some say to use the high frequency posts, some say it doesn't matter, and in past threads you will find some recommending connecting one conductor to the low frequency post and the other conductor to the high frequency post.

IMO, assuming that contact integrity is good and that the jumpers are reasonably short and of reasonable quality, whatever differences may be reported are neither technically explainable nor technically predictable.

-- Al
Try it, see which way you like best.
I am of the opinion that most info comes out of the tweeters, so the connection should go there
I always preferred the low-frequency posts for the direct connection. The bass was muddier the other way. This happened both times I had speakers with jumpers.
My speaker manufacturer did express a preference for connection, but I couldn't hear any significant differences. I also opted for the lower posts as a matter of better cable ergonomics.
IMHO, it doesn't matter. I usually use the lowest set of posts, so it puts less strain on the cables.