Used PS Audio BHK 300 monoblock or (2) new benchmark ahb2 bridged?

Would appreciate opinions - thanks in advance

listen to rock, jazz, classical at normal levels but appreciate headroom for transients

Listen to vinyl and computer-based files equally

basis 2200, transfiguration phoenix, bryston bda-3, PS audio stellar phono pre, Red Rose Revelation 1 tower speakers, 14x20 room


Gold Note PA-10 in Bridged Mode. GaN Class A amplifiers that are awesome. I am using as SPL Phonitor 2 Reference pre-amp and Sonner Legato Duo and I mostly listen to Jazz, Blues, Classical. I also have the SPL Phonos phono pre. 


Benchmark makes great electronics that are transparent and are great for studio use. They measure well too. But that doesn’t translate to being the right fit in a home audio system. I’ve owned few benchmark DACs over the years and they never stuck around for too long including the latest DAC 3 HGC. I can totally see how these components can serve well in a studio environment but to me they sound slightly clinical and cold.
I never auditioned Benchmark amps so I’m just going out on a limb here to assume their objective was the same as with their DACs.

Also, interesting information…Benchmark amp is 11.04" W x 3.88" H x 9.34 " D - Including feet and binding posts and weighs 12.5lbs.
PS Audio BHK amps weigh over 80lbs.

There’s absolutely no such thing as giant killers. There’s no magic. You get what you pair for.

Between the two choices if I had to buy without listening would be the PS Audio BHK Mono Amps. You have a dedicated mono design, tubes, excellent power supplies.

Thanks to you both for the useful suggestions. I guess we've all been going back and forth on the "clinical" vs "musical" debate since hifi began - I'd say I'm somewhere in the middle - I have a feeling the BHK would work well for me but I find the specs on all benchmark equipment quite compelling. Too bad its so tough to compare these things head to head these days...


I've never heard the Benchmark amps but I own a pair of the PS Audio BHK 300's.  I bought them after hearing a friend's Magnepan 3.7s being driven by the D'Agostino S350 amplifier and marveling at how much better his 3.7s sounded than mine.  I can't afford the S350 so I put a search up on Hifishark for the BHK 300's, Pass X350s and Bryston 7Bs.  The BHK 300's were the first that came up at a price I was comfortable with.  I really didn't know what to expect.  I have owned the PS Audio M700 and S300 before and didn't really like those class D amps so I was concerned I might not like the BHK 300s but it turns out they are simply marvelous.  I have used them with Magnepan 3.7s, 20.7s (my current speakers), and Tekton Moabs.  The biggest surprise to me was the fact the BHK 300s sounded better with the Moabs than either the 300B or 2A3 tubes amps that were my favorites before and that had beat out a variety of other solid state and tube amps.  But the BHK 300s really make the Magnepan speakers sing.  Frankly, I can't imagine being unhappy with the BHK 300s at the used pricing.    


I bought my BHK 300s used about a year ago. I upgraded from the M700s which worked quite well with my Kef Reference 5 spkrs. I have to say the upgrade was significant, I was surprised at the smoothness the amps bought to my system. I have been very happy with them, they will remain in my system for a long time.

Good luck with your choice