Used ARC Ref 75 versus new Pass XA 25 versus new Parasound A21+

Here's my situation:

Have cobbled together some left over gear for a second system at my mountain cabin.  At minimal cost (bought most of the stuff many years ago and since upgraded), the gear is as follows:

Totem Rainmakers on 24" stands
Late 70's Pioneer PL600 turntable (the good one) with a Hana EL cartridge
Naim CD 5 player
Classe Audio DR5 II preamp
Adcom 555 amp (original version)
Cogelco/Monster assorted cables

My thoughts are that the weak link is the amp, by a considerable margin.  Need to find a versatile amp that will improve the sound without breaking the bank.  The above choices are available to me at $3K to $4K and while all would work any thoughts on which would be best?

I thought about even less expensive options used but then again want to make sure an upgrade is achieved - otherwise I'd just keep using the 555.

Thanks for the input.
What are you looking to " improve " ? What are the weaknesses you are hearing with this system ? How are the acoustics at the cabin ? 

The Parasound Halo A21+ isn't in the same league as the other two amps you listed above. The other two amps are superior sonically and build quality. 
But for your setup I think the Parasound Halo A21+ will do it. 
Years ago I had to temporarily insert the 555 into my main system, Wilson's driven by ARC Ref 2 Mk II and Krell KSA 250 amplifier.  Well compared to the Krell, the 555 sounds thin, brittle, two dimensional - just nowhere near the realism of the Krell (which was further massaged from stock by the factory to better than stock sound).

Those deficiencies are not as noticeable at the cabin due partly to the equipment (less revealing/more forgiving).

Acoustics are fairly neutral, I'm able to place the speakers favorably for balance tonality as well as imaging.

Thanks again.
And / Or, add a Storm subwoofer.........Lots of positive talk about Ric Schultz' amp, the EVS 1200.....with a 30 day money back....
Take my suggestion with a grain of salt, however, I own/owned many Pass amps and have had a Ref 75 in my system as well.  I have never heard the parasound you mention.  I suggest the AR ref 75, you will love it.
