
Responses from bobbydd

Magico A3 to A5
I disagree with jmeyers. I have owned A5's for three years, and I also own Wilson Watt/Puppy's, Devore Fidelity 096's, and Joseph Audio Pulsar 2's. I have good friends who own Magico M3's, TAD Reference, Wilson Audio Alexia V's, and Marten Colta... 
New Magico Speaker Break-in Question
I have A5’s for several years.  They are smooth as silk up top with the right amps; I can listen all day with no fatigue.  Hardness or shrillness in the low treble is what you are feeding them - they are very revealing.   My advice: continue the... 
Does Anyone Know the History of the Early Sota Turntables?
Had a Sapphire mk II bought new 1986 with a Sumiko MMT tone arm.  Had the 4 point suspension and standard wood arm board.  Sold it to my roommate in 1990 to partly fund purchase of a Star Sapphire mk III in 1990.  This latter table has an SME V ar... 
Audio Research versus McIntosh tube amps: anyone experience or compare both?
Just noticed a set of Jadis JA30 II mono's for sale here.  Anyone familiar with these units?  
Audio Research versus McIntosh tube amps: anyone experience or compare both?
Thanks guys! Seems I should be looking for a nice Ref 75SE.  Prefer it in black…… Though I’m a little surprised nobody mentioned VAC.  Have given a little thought to a used 200iq.  
Racks, equipment and footers
I use Timbernation racks with Herbie’s Audio Lab isolation products under each component.  Have found the combination provides good results at modest cost compared to some alternatives.  Visually very attractive as well - check my system photos. ... 
Audio Research versus McIntosh tube amps: anyone experience or compare both?
Are the fans audible in the newer bigger ARC amps like the 150?   Also, is the biasing procedure complex?   Convenience has value IMO.  
Audio Research versus McIntosh tube amps: anyone experience or compare both?
Let me add this: my system photos feature a few of an ARC amplifier - a vintage VT100 purchased from a friend last year.  It’s been hot rodded with new caps plus kt 120’s and sounds very good in my set up - better than I had expected!  But it has ... 
VPI Avenger Plus vs J Sikora Standard Max
Try a TW Acustic.  Comparable price wise to a J Sikora but better according to my dealer who carries both.  I love mine - on a Silent Running Audio isolation base it sounds sublime.   BTW I also have a SOTA Star Sapphire: very nice but not in th... 
Upgrade Krell KSA 250 to what?
Full restoration on mine through Steve last year ran $3400 plus shipping.  The sound is excellent.  Amp looks new.   Not for sale.  
Who does Krell KSA-150 rebuilds/recapping ??
I had Steve Leckrone at The Service Department restore my KSA250 last year.  He’s the “guy from Connecticut”. The work was outstanding, and after break in, the sonics are excellent. It was very expensive, with shipping etc.  But, compared to the... 
Have Luxman 509x. Considering Pass Labs INT-250 or Dan D’Agostino Progression Integrated
Lean and scratchy?  Pass?  Not in my experience.  I have 60.8's driving Magico A5's; musical and slightly warm is the result. The XA25 is a more neutral sound tonally, but very pure and certainly not "scratchy" driving Joseph Audio's. Have been ... 
Wolf Von Langa SON (TAS 2022 PofY) and Gestalt Audio - my experience & review
Any of you listen to NAF with Cessaro’s while at Gestalt?  Curious.  
Magico and Tube amp
Magico speakers are evolving rapidly: older designs tend to be very analytical and IMO possibly overly so. Starting with the M9 they are trending towards musicality with more natural tone and detail. The A5 and S3 Mk3 and now the new M7 all use ... 
Speaker placement Quandary
That's a well set up room and looks well planned. Did a ton of research myself on equipment placement (see my systems page). Several generalities apply: Each room and speaker set up is unique and no specific set up is best in all cases. Most s...