Upgrade advice please

Hi group,
I'm considering upgrading my digital sources, with the idea of getting more into computer audio. I also don't want to abandon my CD's, so I'm looking for a solution that lets me enjoy both.

I currently own a Rega Elicit-R amp, which has been wonderful. I'm considering pairing that with a Rega Saturn-R CD/DAC. The Saturn features asynchronous USB along with other versatile connectivity. I'd eventually be pairing that up with a laptop, running either iTunes or J River.

Here's my question:

My current CDP is an Arcam Alpha 9, well-reviewed but 15 years old now. It has a good DAC....dcs Ring DAC, 24 bit. Would I be better off keeping the Arcam, using it as a transport, and purchasing instead a standalone DAC?

I like the Saturn-R option because it lets me upgrade both the CD, plus pair that with a USB DAC.

However, I'm open to suggestions. I've been looking at DACs from Wyred4Sound and NAD (M51).

Thanks in advance for your input,
Mesch, Gadawg,
Thanks for your responses.

I'm a real newbie in this area; currently I've been downloading music from the Linn and Naim websites (studio master 192k files) to my hard drive; I'm using iTunes on my PC, so I'm downloading these in ALAC.

I'm streaming from my PC to my 2 channel system, using an Audioengine D2 wireless streamer. It provides a 24/96 stream, so I'm probably not getting the best fidelity I could, although it does sound very good.

CD's will remain a big part of my system; I'm also doing more with vinyl.

In terms of PCM or DSD, which is better?

I think it really depends on how you see using your computer as server. Are you considering downloading hi-rez PCM files or DSD? If so, I would consider a stand alone DAC with DSD capabilities and continue to use your Arcam as transport for playing CDs.

I have stayed with CDs. Can buy far more music for same $$$. I use a Arcam DVD137 as transport and also have all CDs loaded on MAC mini. I play both through a Bryston BDA-1. I use the Audiophilleo2 for USB conversion as the USB input on the Bryston is not equal to SPDIF inputs.
You may want to consider the Bryston BDA-2 or the Musical Fidelity M6DAC also.Both sound great just different. I've never heard the Arcam but some of the older transports can still hold their own quite well against newer models. I still am using a Mark Levinson No37 and loving it. So you might consider demo in your home of better dac and your transport and see how it works. Have Fun!