Two sites I Like

A quick place to go to see what new reviews are out there; The Daily Audiophile

Fastest way I know to check the used market;

Both are aggregators of info from other sites, meaning that Hifishark includes listing on Audiogon but other sites as well. Same goes for The Daily Audiophile.

Hope you find this useful.

Ag insider logo xs@2xbruce19

Very useful (I love hifishark). I am happily exploring The Daily Audiophile.

Haven't heard Daily Audiophile until now. But it seems dangerous for the wallet. 

I gave up on Daily Audiophile and switched over to Daily Audio, works better for me, YMMV.

+1 @viridian I’ve been using Daily Audiophile for years. Never knew Dailey Audio existed, but much prefer. I like how they display how recent an article is vs just “New” on Daily Audiophile.

Greatly appreciate the share.

"...the sirens sing sweetly, luring even they that know better...." *L*

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