Turntable Mats for Technics Grand Class, "G" Series

I have the original anniversary edition Technics 1200 GAE.  Shortly after I got it way back in like 2016, I put the rubber turntable mat aside and began using a leather and cork matt from Wooden Bull. See https://woodenbull.com.  I never looked back.

Recently, I pulled out a Ringmat and noticed a more robust sound with more definition in the low end. 

I'd like to try another. Recommendations?  


So I was just curious why you stipulate that the mat needs to be glued to the platter.

@lewm That is specifically in the case of the Oracle mat which is designed to be used in that manner. 

I have a mat at home that is the same kind that SOTA used on their early Cosmos turntables; it was sold as an item by itself prior to SOTA acquiring the rights to it. It does not have to be glued down.

Ditto to what mofi said about graphite mats. You’d have to make a deliberate effort by squeezing the mat and LP together and then twisting one against the other, clockwise then counter clockwise in order to do any such damage, if even then, the surface of the graphite is quite smooth. So smooth that you may want to use a weight or clamp to prevent the LP from slipping due to stylus drag.

For users of the Boston Audio/Sakura graphite mat: no concerns about/experience with the mat scratching your records?

I used a Sakura for years on an SP10R with no scratches. Not something to worry about. I recently replaced it with an Origin Live Strata mat. Coupled with the OL Gravity One stabilizer, it is the best I’ve tried out of around a dozen.

@mofimadness @lewm @wrm57 Thanks for replying. I ordered the BAM and the SPEC+ mat…should be an interesting comparison.