Tubes make a digital service sing.

I have found that digital streaming needs  a very good DAC -> Preamp -> Amp all tubes to come very close to an all analogue path.  My amp and preamp are Audionote UK and my DAC is an ANK.  I was wondering if others found the same thing.  By the way ANK is really a good bang for your the buck 
Ahh yes, analog and tubes. Formats so good they make even digital sound good. 
I stream into an AN UK Dac-3 Signature from 1995 and through all tubes after that my sound is great.
From the thread title I thought this was going to be about a Zoom Church Service.
I agree, Using a DAC with tube output stage into a tube preamp with SS amp. Now also playing with a EL34 tube integrated amplifier.

I believe it would cost the entire price of my system to purchase a Vinyl front end to compete with my digital one.
welcome to the club

tubes aren't the only way to make digital sing naturally, but they can really help