Tube Rolling Time

I want to dive deeper into tube rolling.  I currently have a Decware Zen and Luxman Neo Classico SQ-150.

What should I consider next?  Conrad Johnson is on my radar.  Suggestions?
Suggest you start your rolling journey with the input tubes (small signal tubes). The input gain stage has the most influence on sonics. Next, the driver aka phase inverter tubes, have some influence on the sound. 
Rolling the rectifier tube can have a very audible effect on the sonic signature of the amp.

I'm a believer in using NOS tubes from a reputable dealer.
+1 on Brent Jessee website. There is a wealth of information on the sound produced by tube type and by  each manufacturer.

I just want to listen and play with tubes, more.  It’s something I’ve always wanted to learn more about. 

Sometimes it's the music, sometimes it's the gear, sometimes it's both.
It is interesting, is it not? Some people settle for what sounds good, some won't stop till GREAT.  AND there are those, that CAN'T stop, no matter what, good better or BEST, just can't stop... LOL it is a great hobby.. Get a tester, don't spend a fortune, and enjoy all the little tricks of testing, tuning, tinkering, BLOWING UP!! Don't do that test.. LOL

You'll be amazed at what some people called matched, and NOS, you'll really get a lesson in ethics, if nothing else.. LOL


I just want to listen and play with tubes, more.  It’s something I’ve always wanted to learn more about.

Thanks to all of you for your recommendations and suggestions.  I’m learning a lot.
What should I consider next?  Conrad Johnson is on my radar.  Suggestions?

I don't understand. You want to get a Valve amp, so you can roll tubes?
Is there a reason? or just like to tinker? It's all good, BUT if your going to be tinkering, (and you ARE a tinker), you might want to invest in a tube tester and Tinker away...(300-600.00 usd) You can learn how and why tubes sound the way they do, the construct makes a lot of difference..
More importantly, how to make it sound  better (not just different) by matching, and testing..It can make or break SQ by the buckets full, in valve gear.
In stereo amps!!! Balanced tubes go a long way.. Heck MB too for that matter.. Proper Bios is another, little nugget that can really impact SQ. Depends on the unit..

I stumbled across (not literally) a little Dennis Had Inspire SEP amp a few years ago and although it requires efficient speakers (which I have), it has 4 tubes...rectifier, input, and 2 output tubes. This means it's a tube rollers dream since there are so few...consequently I have a drawer full of tubes for the thing that could easily last decades, and the really good news is it's the best sounding amp I've ever owned. 
Millercarbon,  Ya, I watched a 12ax7 that I paid $125.00 for roll in a semi circle right off the counter onto a stone floor! Went right back and told the guy on ebay what happened and bought another one, hoping that he would take pity and sell me another at a discount-he didn't.
The key to tube rolling is to use well balanced tubes with nice flat sides, tubes like KT88. Those roll really good. Rounded tubes like 300B wobble and roll all over the place. D105, don’t even ask. 12ax7 seems like they would be okay but the wide base makes it so they always roll in a circle. Round and round they go, never really getting anywhere. That’s tube rolling for ya.
+1 for recommendations from Brent Jessee. He gave me a few 6922 suggestions for my VAC linestage - ultimately I chose a pair of NOS Mullard 7308's which made a material sonic improvement for my system.
@racamuti @facten 

Thanks to both of you for the recommendations and information.  I will follow your recommendations and report back.  Have a great evening and take care of yourselves.  Be safe and well.
I don't have your amps to give you specific firsthand recommendations on tubes for them; however, below is a link to Brent Jessee's website where you can look up the tube types in your amps , for instance 12ax7 , click on it to get to the page where he offers insights into the sound of various brands as well as, providing insights on the tube's equivalent for example for a 12ax7 - 5751 tube. This might give you some tube rolling ideas for your current amps and any future ones you might purchase

For the decware Zen, try a Mullard gz32 rectifier and if you haven't already, buy a couple of sv83 output tubes from Steve at Decware, also the input tube is a 6922,7308,6n1p etc, what are you using now? 

Some, but I’m open to suggestions.  While I have been into HiFi for 40 years and own several systems, I’m not as experienced or knowledgeable about tubes.  I’m learning that tube rolling is a world of its own.

Please guide and teach.  Thanks!