Tube phono preamp vs parasound hint phono stage

Hi all. I’m looking for some tube magic. Will a tube phono stage add a bit, a lot, none? Now, before anyone says, “Why don’t you get a REAL tube amp and be done with it?”
I love my current amp and I’m not looking to replace it for several reasons:
1. It is also part of my home theater because of  HT bypass 

2. It has tone controls. No reasonably priced tube amp has them and I won’t be talked out of them; I dare you to try.  Thank you in advance and remember, be nice. 

I just replaced by Asthetix Rhea (tube phone stage) for an Allnic H3000 (tube phone stage) (my preamp is the Jeff Rowlins Criterion) and the improvement was STAGGERING.  I don't think its necessarily a tube phone stage but getting an excellent phone stage.  (turn table is the JRTransrotor Rodino with Transrotor SME 5012 Arm & Clearaudio Strad II). 
I would merely focus on upgrading your phono preamp rather than adding tube character. 

I once did an A/B comparison between the Hint’s onboard phono stage and the Parasound Z-Phono. The $200 Z-phono came out on top. 

My advice is to get a JC3 Jr. in the color that will match your integrated. Run a balanced connection between the Jr. and your integrated. You’ll be very happy with the upgrade. 
tablejockey is right to say no one will know but you what works in your system, for your ears

in general though, most really good sounding 2 channel systems that music lovers love for a warm natural engaging full bodied sound will have at least 1 or more vacuum tubes in the signal chain

whether you put that in the phono stage is subject to debate - i do NOT do that as I would rather have a very very quiet pure, uncolored amp stage to  boost the minute cartridge signal... then i let the tube goodness come from the linestage or power amp...

No one here can tell you how your ears will perceive using  a tube phono stage. Buy one and try it. Sell it, if it isn't for you. Most threads with that question seem to have to have more converts for SS.