Tri-Planar Vll "SE Upgrade"

Contemplating  sending my Tri-Planar Vll back to Tri Mai for his "SE Upgrade". Essentially, same carbon fiber wand and internal silver wire and leads used in his 12" U12 arm. Anybody done the dirty deed?  If so, better, worse or pretty much the same. 

I've only seen one post on the subject and that person seemed more than happy.

Thanks to anyone who responds with personal experience.  No conjecture please. 
Any arm can do 70 microns or even 80. Its no big deal and Triplanars can do it too no worries.

I don't need a test LP; I can perform tests using my lathe.

The technical story is easy to understand. I'm sure most that have read this far followed it with ease.

The Triplanar is the most adjustable arm in the world. If a person can get it to track at 2 mils but not above that, something is wrong, but given that it can track at 2 mils, probably the setup and not the arm.

What is most likely it would appear from all that is written here is that the owner has either badly installed (aligned) tonearm or he has a defective tonearm but either way he can not tell the difference so everyone would agree I think that he needs the services of a qualified dealer in Music Reproduction Systems and should seek one out with particular experience with analogue/vinyl/turntable playback. Some individuals have trouble seeking help when they have a problem but there is no need to feel this way and it is not the owners fault that he is having bad performance even if it is a setup problem/error because that can be extremely difficult because of the tight tolerances required for proper vinyl playback in a Music Reproduction System. It would be best if he simply accepted this situation and then sought/obtained the help needed to resolve the issue and then he can move on to enjoy properly his Music Reproduction System which now is suffering because of this tonearm problem.
Love my TP VII UII. It tracks fine with each of my handful of carts: Kiseki Purpleheart, Koetsu Urushi Vermillion, Transfiguration Axia S, Charisma MC2. I do occasionally have a faint but audible hum issue, especially with the Kiseki mounted. It takes some fiddling with the leads and trying different grounding arrangements to minimize this but it never totally goes away.  Has anyone dealt with this?  I wonder if there is an upgrade that can solve it. 
Got the "Schalplatte2" and finally completed the Turntable for the Triplanar U12, latest model (1-2017).  It tracks 100 u with no issues, plays tracks 5 and 6 on side B perfectly - so clearly the OP must have some setup issue with his TriPlanar or very unlikely its defective.  The cartridge mounted on the Triplanar U12 is a Lyra Etna.

Heres a picture of the turntable / arm used for this simple test. It is the last picture

Good Listening


This thread unfortunately got way off track.  Looking through all the posts, I only saw one comment about the upgraded wiring vs. the stock Discovery wiring.  Does anyone else have any reactions to the upgrades for the Triplanar, especially the wiring change?