Transparent Cables

I am not an audio guy, but I was given a pair of Transparent Cables to sell for a friend (Balanced Musi Link Ultra 1MPR KU3) and before I post them for sale I wanted to get an idea what to ask moneywise. They appear to be new in the box but there is no paperwork or instruction manual with them. Anyone have an idea what a fair asking price should be?
I'm seeing that other Transparent Cables are selling for extremely high prices. What makes these so valuable?
Special fairy dust Is very expensive and has only gone up more sense the events at the capital and in Dallas
@raysmtb1 enlighten me on Dallas I guess I missed the event and I live there.

Cables buy Raven Audio Soniquil cables no fairy dust. Just great cables made in TEXAS!

I thought the whole state of Texas was frozen was it just a couple cities? Excuse me if I was incorrect. I feel bad for all those folks down there. They don’t know how to deal with the snow like us Northerners.
I would agree with you about Raven. They make a nice, Quality fair priced cable. I’ve had several sets of transparent and they might’ve sounded a tiny bit different but was that a good different or a bad different? I couldn’t make up my mind so I sent them back. And when I sent them back all I got was a big headache. A lot of these guys selling cables are charlatans, snake Oil salesman. It’s not good for the industry that they take advantage of a good percentage of the newcomers that enter the hobby. My other hobby is mountain biking. If we had people attempting to do the same BS that these cable companies do they would be ridden off the nearest cliff
I would look at for recent sales of the cables.
Just be sure to use the 'filters'-sales in N. America (if you are here< and newest listing).
@raysmtb1 Oh that. Thought something really happened and I missed it. I am originally from Sault. Ste. Marie. ON and laughed my ass off at 8 inches of snow and -7 for a week you would have thought it was the end of the world. Especially the way the media hyped it.

Been sunny and in the 70’s so SNOWVID 21 is over and it will be another 100 years before my great great grandchildren see weather like that in Texas again. 
Enjoy your winter bro mine is over🥶
For a small fee you can look directly at the Agon blue book and get a solid value for the cables. Alternatively, you can look at other ads and previous sales to help determine a solid ballpark.
A lot of misinformation here on this thread speaking out of sheer ignorance. The freeze in Texas is not a "hundred year" weather phenomena, last time it happened was in 2011. Extreme weather patterns in general have been more and more frequent, Houston alone has experienced "hundred year" floods repeatedly in the last 10 years.

The damage done by the freeze has nothing to do with the people "not knowing how to handle cold". There is no infrastructure to deal with snow and ice, not a single snow plow or salt truck. The very same day snow falls in the northeast, major roads are cleared by plow and salt trucks, that doesn't exist in Texas.

The heating systems used in homes in Texas predominately use electricity as power vs. other parts where other fuel types are more common. This sky rocketed the demand.

The power companies in Texas have been warned after similar energy crisis in1989, again in 2011 to winterize the generation assets and fuel supply, but they chose money over lives. Natural gas lines froze, cooling loops in power plants froze, and planned generation capacity was down almost 50% vs. planned.

Texas is also the only state with a power grid isolated from the rest of the country, this was a deliberate attempt to circumvent federal regulation so there is no redundancy or flexibility in times of crisis.

After decades of policy of deregulation and greed, all these factors combined led to state wide blackouts and water outage that saw families entire neighborhoods without power and heat for 60+ hours. People froze to death in their homes, other people got CO poisoning from being desperate enough to burn fuel inside their homes. 
@divertiti what the ‘F’ does that have to do with Transparent Cables? Keep it on topic.