Totem Acoustics Customer Service

I am not sure maybe I have the wrong email address for Totem (, but I have just about formally crossed their products off my list due to their lack of email response. I have sent several emails asking for a list of dealers in my state and have not gotten one response.

Anyone else have this issue? Is their customer service that bad?? Maybe they don't need the sales????
Sounds like perhaps some bad luck, as you stated.

I was looking into their speakers last month and inquired via email about recommended Totems (based on my equipment) and dealers near to me. I received an answer within a day.

Since the nearest dealer to me was 2 hours away, I called Totem on a Saturday to find out more info on the speakers and they stuck Vince on the phone with me who spent quite a bit of time patiently answering all my questions.

I am now the happy owner of some Forests. I've even called Vince post sale for more info in regards to bi-wiring and at the end of the conversation he humbly thanked me for supporting his company/products.
Thanks all for the responses! It does look like Totem has great customer service and maybe I am just getting some bad luck or even a bad email system here, no problems.

I am in CT and was looking for a dealer to listen to some speakers.

Thanks again all!!
It's a summer time and not every day the e-mail is checked in Totem customer service.
You should give it a couple of days and your question won't be neglected there.


I will probably need to replace my tweeter in Totem Forest loudspeaker can you e-mail me the info?
I am a dealer for Totem in New Jersey. Let me know where you are and I will check to see if there is a local dealer for you. If not, maybe I can help you.

Owner, Symphonic Audio
Who is the absolutely beautiful woman I've twice seen in Totem's room at two Stereophile NYC shows?
I think the responses reveal the problem you are experiencing.

Everybody who has had good service from Totem has ALREADY bought thier products.

What you need to do is go out, buy one of thier products, then send them a new email, informing them you have one of thier products, then ask them for a list of local dealers so you can finally purchaase those totems you always wanted.

I also have Totem Speakers (Dreamcatcher HT package). I had a question in the beginning. Called the phone # that came in the manual. Got right through, they directed my call to a tech to help me, great service IMO.
i have had a few emails going back and forth in the past with these folks and response has been good. I have also called them a few times and either talked to a rep right then or they called back usually the same day. give them a call and tell them you are unhappy. i agree with brainwater, they don't make a single dud. I own 2 pairs of their speakers currently. I also had the chance to talk to vince at he2003 before the show opened a couple of days. very nice guy and very resourcefull for ideas.
I have had the opposite in that the company went out of the way , twice , to replace blown drivers. I owned the Shamans and was in love with them . Call the company and ask for Lucy. She and Vince are often busy on the road all over the world showing at every event but you may can catch her . Tell her Brent in South Carolina said hi. Audition their speakers and prepare for some of Vince s magic! They do not make a single dud .