Time to Clamp Down

I have several record clamps that I use with my turntables, but I have a Thorens TD-160 with a spindle that is too short for a clamp to 'grab'. I have a very heavy turntable/record weight that probably weighs around 24 ounces, quite heavy. I would have no problem using that on one of my direct-drive tables, but I am skittish about using it on the belt-drive TD-160. Logic tells me it would put an extra-heavy load on the motor, causing undue wear.....is that a valid concern or not? The spindle clears the record just enough for this monster weight to work and right now it's my only option.
I use an HRS record weight and outer ring weight on my Clearaudio TT with no extra wear
I meant options as far as what I have on-hand already, fuzztone. I have a couple of Record Doctor clamps which would probably work, but you have to install a doughnut at the spindle base to go with the clamp and I'm definitely not going down that road (removing the doughnut from one table to use on another table). I work hard enough threading my RTR tapes as it is, LOL.
Thanks for the responses....I believe there are something like 454 grams in a pound and if Pro-Ject marketed a weight of 700-800 grams, I should have no real concerns over this weight on my Thorens. It probably falls within thatrange....I bought it to use with my Denon DP-72L, but have to leave the dustcover in the up position to use it due to lack of clearance. It fits fine on my TD-160.
My clamp is 224 grams will grab any nub that protudes over the record.
I say that you have NOT exhausted all options.
Thorens had a very heavy weight for their turntables.  I believe it was around $300.00 or so.  The Project heavy weight is around $100.00 and comes in a neat wooden box and is around 700-800 grams.  I used mine for a couple of years but now switched to the HRS weight which is a little over 380 grams.  
the motor has to work harder as well just like a heavier car puts more load on the engine.
Thanks millercarbon....that makes total sense. I should have paid more attention in science and math classes. Good to know the laws of inertia and motion apply to something I can relate to on an everyday level.
The load is on the bearing not the motor. The reason is physics. The weight you are adding presses straight down directly onto the bearing. The motor on the other hand is way off to the side. The motor applies torque. Torque is a lever arm. The further from the center you add mass the greater the lever arm and the more the torque so the harder the motor has to work to turn it. Your record clamp is very small diameter, it hugs the axis of rotation. So it could be 240 ounces even, it will not be hardly any different in terms of torque. 

Also the motor really only has to work harder to accelerate this mass. Once spinning at speed the extra power is all down to bearing drag not rotational mass. This is why my turntable with lead shot filled platter at 28 lbs uses the same motor as a plain acrylic platter without lead that weighs a fraction as much. Only difference is how fast they come up to speed. Once at 33 there really is no difference in motor load even in spite of the two to three times greater mass. 

So experiment and use whichever one sounds the best, and no worries about the motor. 

The bearing too by the way should be fine. They are usually so over-engineered there will be no difference in wear just as long as the lube is there.