Tidal or Qobuz

Many say Qobuz sounds better than Tidal, not Jay. 

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viRfrUktBY - 3:58 to 6:42



Showing 1 response by dinosore

I started with Tidal when it first came out, and then tried Qobuz when it became available in the US.  I decided to keep both.  I listen through BluOS where the Tidal integration is much better than that of Qobuz.  I find that Tidal has more albums and artists that I listen to, and sometimes gets new albums sooner.  Qobuz, on the other hand, has more hi-res content.  Personally, I like the Tidal interface better, and I also use their suggested "mixes" to discover new music.  

I have noticed no significant sound quality difference between the two.  

I also have Apple Music which is included free with my cell phone contract.  I like the way Apple saves and sorts your favorite albums but, sadly, they don't want to make available their hi-res streaming to any third-party companies.  I only use it for headphone listening since I don't want to tether my iPhone or iPad to my stereo system.