Tidal & Deezer - Streaming Devices Used...?

What devices are folks using to stream these high-res services? Do the devices output higher than 44.1k ?
I think I need to hire a friends teenager, as I can not get ickstream on to my squeezebox touch
How important is the streaming device for Tidal only, if it will be going through a high quality external DAC?
ickstream app into squeezebox touch/welborne power supply into Esoteric G25U clock/upsampler into K03.
Wadia 170i, I phone... Not the easiest interface but it sounds good. By the way, this has been my only source for almost 3 years now
21" iMac into my Olympia DX DAC via USB. I am very pleased with Tidal, lots of great music, superb playlists, etc.

Good Listening

Auralic Eries
For now both these services only do 16/44
Classicsonlinehd does up to 24/192
Tidal has hinted at maybe in the future doing HiRez
I'm perfectly happy with 16/44