Thoughts on VAC preamplifiers to drive D’Agostino power amplifiers? Thoughts?

Looking for opinions on using VAC preamplifiers to drive D’Agostino power amplifiers. I’ve never heard the combination but it would seem attractive on paper. Thoughts? Thank you!
you would expect any top shelf preamp like a vac or cj to be able to drive any good top shelf amp

that is one of the main functions of a preamp

to be sure, call kevin at vac or dan d and ask... they will for sure know of the top of their heads
The VAC preamps employ a transformer output that has a low impedance and can drive any well designed power amp (tube or SS).  Used my VAC pre into an Ayre VX5/20 for many years and it never had any issues while it added a little of the VAC personality to the beautiful sound.   
@audiobrian I've been using D'Agostino Classic Stereo amp with a tube preamp for a few years and the result is excellent, but my preamp is not a VAC. I recommend sending an email to VAC asking if D'Agostino is compatible with your specific model preamp. I think impedance mismatch is the only thing you have to be concern with.
VAC is superb stuff!
only able to demo at a shop near me, amazing quality and build!
  If it’s in your wheelhouse, get a piece.
or check out the new SMC AUDIO preamp and amps.
   Great stuff!
 Unsure of reliability, but I would take VAC over Mac (maybe) those 2K monos are my pipedream amps.     Or some max upgraded platinum+platinum SMC monoblocs!!! With matching preamp!

 Or, the full Conrad Johnson top of the line components, with .....

  now, you have me shopping................


My friend has Vac preamp and D' Agostino amps with Magico M6 speakers sounds wonderful.
Thanks to all. Guess I’ll take my preamp on a road trip to a D’Agostino dealer. Your points are well taken and prudent. The finest individual components, even when electrically compatible, may not be synergistic or pleasing together… especially  at the price ranges we’re speaking of! I appreciate all your helpful advice.
You can only know how well a combination will play together by auditioning the combination.  I think this is particularly the case with a tube line stage feeding solid state.  Even when the components seem electrically compatible, I’ve seen instances where tubes feeding solid state is a big disappointment.  
ebm: thanks very much for your post. Is your recommendation based on personal experience with a VAC pre-D’Agostino amp in your system? Thanks!

Thanks so much; actually I have the VAC preamplifier (Sig mkIIA) and I was wondering if anyone had matched a VAC preamplifier with any of the D’Agostino Momentum or Progression amplifiers. Yes; I like and have tried the VAC amplifiers. This time I’m considering a high power solid state amplifier. Need not be a D’Agostino but the new Progression S350 interests me. 

audiobrian OP

If you have  EMM Labs SACD player with high/low output switch on the back, you could put it on high 3.6v and just use a good quality passive preamp, for the best sound, true to your source.
Because you have more than enough output (3.6v) from it to drive the D'Agostino's into full power clipping.
Nelson Pass,
"We’ve got lots of gain in our electronics. More gain than some of us need or want. At least 10 db more.
Think of it this way: If you are running your volume control down around 9 o’clock, you are actually throwing away signal level so that a subsequent gain stage can make it back up.
Routinely DIYers opt to make themselves a “passive preamp” - just an input selector and a volume control.
What could be better? Hardly any noise or distortion added by these simple passive parts. No feedback, no worrying about what type of capacitors – just musical perfection.
And yet there are guys out there who don’t care for the result. “It sucks the life out of the music”, is a commonly heard refrain (really - I’m being serious here!). Maybe they are reacting psychologically to the need to turn the volume control up compared to an active preamp."

Cheers George