Think I blew a driver on my Vandersteens 5A

Well, just noticed that my right channel is clearly not as loud as my left. I finally bought the analog Radio Shack sound level db meter. I really should have had one all along. It seems to be an indispensable tool. BTW, I have separate left/right gain adjustment on my preamp. So, after doing the measurement w/ the meter, I am 20db + higher in the left channel. 62db vs.82 db at below average listening levels.
Then, I went ahead and unplugged both sub amps, to eliminate the variable of it being a blown Vandy sub amp. Still, no changes w/ the meter. Then, wanted to eliminate the TT,cartridge... Played a CD, still, no changes. Had to go to work, so my troubleshooting has come to and end till later tonight. Next, I think I will run my CDP direct, to see if it may be the preamp. I would think after that, reverse the speaker wires, which of course would indicate a blown driver if the imbalance does not switch channels. I am just thinking that a 20+db difference will likely be a blown tweeter or midrange driver. It seems to be a alot to think it could be a tube in the amp or preamp. BTW, output tubes in amp bias fine.
(((( Not sure a bad tube... would account for 5-6db. I have some on hand, others I would have to bring in. Thanks))))
Much more a chance of a bad tube to be the cause.
Its pretty hard to blow up a vandy driver when the high pass is installed and adjusted correctly.
Good luck John
OK. First, I have been getting to know the DB meter a bit better. I did have the difference in db wrong. Same track, same passage yields a 5-6 db difference. Live and learn I guess. I started w/ taking the preamp out, and running the CDP direct. I could not hear any audible difference w/ levels from left to right channels. It was pretty obvious that it was evenly balanced, certainly not a 6db drop in either channel, which sounded obviously off. I put the preamp back in the chain, stuck w/ CD because analog and CD both had the same drop previously. I then switched the pre>amp IC on the amp end left to right. The imbalance did in fact switch channels at that point. So, it looks to be the preamp. I will likely try some different tubes. Hopefully, that will solve it. Not sure a bad tube... would account for 5-6db. I have some on hand, others I would have to bring in. Thanks
Hi Fjn04,

Any luck yet? You don't even need to use a mono recording. Any recording with a centered voice or instrument will do. Also, don't laugh now, but use the same ear, you would be surprised how differently your left/right ear hear from on another.

A bad connection with a i.c. or s.c. doesn't make sense to me, then the whole side would be out or intermittent not just one driver.

Good luck,
Thanks Zargon. I may start there, seems pretty painless. I have extra speaker cables to try, and will recheck the pre>amp IC connection. I do have another IC which I could try there as well.
It is very easy to hear each of the three drivers. No need to touch them. Just move your ear up and down. It will be quite obvious if one isn't working.

It is quite likely that the problem lies in something else. It could be as simple as a poor connection or soldering joint in one of the cables.
Stingreen, I will flip the speaker cable from the left speaker
to the right, but may just start w/ running the CDP direct. I would like to just eliminate the preamp, and isolate it to the amp or speakers.

Tom, also a great suggestion. I did not think of that at all. I will dig up a mono vinyl recording and give it a shot. I may use cotton gloves if I touch the drivers, as it may not be good to expose the skins oil... directly to the drivers. Thanks much to the both of you.
Hello Fnj04,

Why not at a very low volume and with a mono recording just put your ear right up to each driver? Also/or try putting your finger tips on each driver while playing music to see if it vibrates?

Good luck,

I have a 5A and cannot conceive of you blowing a speaker..they are very rugged. The amp on the Vandersteen 5A only operates the woofer, and actually, it is pretty difficult to hear if that amp isn't working. The first thing to do is to change the speaker wires from the speaker that plays well to the one that doesn't. If the good sound returns to the "bad" speaker, change the input high pass filters to determine if the sound is again wrong with the other high pass filter in the line. Last, you can switch the internal crossover. I would call Richard at Vandersteen for help at that point.