The majic of early 1970's rock and it's influence-

Starting with the Beatles and the Rolling Stones in the sixties; then adding in the Vietnam War, and the sexual revolution, which also occurred at this time, I think the time frame of 1970-1975 created the majority of rock's geniuses, the likes of which probably won't be seen again. I use, for examples- Jimmy Hendrix, Pink Floyd, Yes, Elton John, Genesis, the Allman Brothers, Janis Joplin, Eric Clapton, Jethro Tull, Santana, and Neil Young, just to name a few. I think earlier (pre 1970) rock concerts of large attendance, such as the Beatles tours and Woodstock also had a profound influence on the social change during this time. What do you think?
I think many many years from now historians will look at the 50s thru the 70s a special time in contmeporary music,not to be repeated. many great musicians passed thru that window.
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I agree. It's the sheer number of talented musicians from this time period that defined rock, building upon previous groups work, and work from groups during their own time period. Plus alot of genius on their own. Jdm61 talked about Miles Davis's blending of genres. I think that this is exactly what happened with rock during this time. Quite a few 20-30 yr old people that I know have heard music from the 60's and 70's on the radio and like it alot. But... they don't know who the musician is or that they're listening to 30+ year old music.
Here's a few more to the list; Bad Company, Mott the Hoople, Little Feet, Bruce Springsteen, Iggy Pop, Amboy Dukes, James Gang, Jefferson Airplane, Deep Purple, Lynard Skynard, CSN&Y, Sly and the Family Stone, Santana, Butterfield Blues band, Canned Heat, Joe Cocker, etc.. etc..
I don't think there is another Rock and Roll era that has this deep of a bench.
There are great rock bands now, U2, Pearl Jam, Chili Peppers, to name a few... but there's just not that many anybody will be talking about 30 years from now.
But then again, Elvis imitated Hank Williams et al and all of the black musicians he heard late at night when he could pick up those Chicago and Memphis radio stations. As for Chuck, he was a rytmym and blues man long before he and Little Richard kicked up the tempo, cleaned up the lyrics and told the white kids about rock n roll. All music is derivative.......but as previously stated by many, the guys in the 60's and 70ls took the music to new places. It also didnalt hurt that many of the players (Clapton, Beck, Hendrix, Allman, 6reen, etc) were considerable more polished and proficient musicians than there idols, although I will admit that a few, like Magic Sam, Freddie King, Otis Rush and Buddy Guy could hold their own. But if you think about, their later playing got louder and more distorted after they heard those you Brits play their songs.
I grew up with this music, so of course I think a lot of it is great. Of course there was also a lot of crap made then, all you have to do is look at a top 40 list from that era.

But, I think one of the reasons they were great is the music was new. There simply had never been long guitar jams until Cream and the Allman's did it. Yeah, they copied from old black blues players, however they took the music much farther. The chord progressions (riffs) on the guitar hadn't really been used together like they were during this era. I mean who had recorded a guitar part like in "You really got me" by the Kinks, before the Kinks?

Art rock, jazz rock, country rock, this was all new and created during this era. Everything else later is imitation. Of course Lennon said everything after Elvis and Chuck Berry was imitation.
Jdm61, I couldn't agree more, but then Jethro Tull and Yes had some wierd lyric lines that made sense, as did Zep from time to time. Ramble on!
#ut seriously, folks..... another band that I think has captured the spirit of the great prog rock era is Radiohead
m politics aside.............Coldplay, on the other hand is shite, IMHO......Gwyneth's taste in music must not be up to snuff in comparison to this august
Hey Steve...........did you ever think how cheesy/funny it would be to do a medely of 70's lyrics just by jamming random phrases together? How's this? 5rom the darkest depths of Mordor I....see all good people turn their heads.....and hold the red star proudly high in hand.....ramble on, little wing......What do ya think? lol
Elvis has left the building
Muse is a band that comes to mind that has recaptured moved forward the musical propects of the early 70s. Sometimes they sound like cabaret.

We need another injection of classical influence in modern rock.
jdm61--very fascinating & observent comment!
The pretentiousness would be welcome today in these every-man-for-himself times.
I will admit that amateur pharmacology can make for what, in hindsight, are some slightly cheesy lyrics. I thing even Jimmy Page and Neil Peart would admit today that they smoked a little to much weed and read Tolkien and Ayn Rand a few too many What has faired well from the 60's- 70's is the quality of the musical composition. Even at its most pretentious moments, the best music written from about 66 on (middle and late Beatles. Pet Sounds, Creem, Jimi) could not have even been conceived as possible by the rock musicians of 1960. Miles Davis didn't even start blending genres like that until 68 or 69. Much of the musical experimentation can be writtenoff as noodling, but even then,it is superior to those who nodle in the present (sorry, Phish fans, but can you say derivative?)
Yes, drugs and alcohol had a big influence as well. "Alice in Wonderland" was written while high on drugs. Absinthe was popular during the time of artists like Picasso, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, and Van Gogh. Drugs and genius sometimes go hand in hand.
I think that a lot of "genius" is set loose when there are no inhibitors. Booze and drugs makes for some interesting art - you cannot ignore this factor.
Although this isn't a sociology forum, what I was trying to point out was that the development of rock, starting in the late 50's and peaking like a pyramid in the early 70's, had a huge impact on social change occuring during this era. I think that people in their late teens and early 20's, during this time, spoke with more of a group mindset than in any other time in American history-(excluding WWII). Genius come from turbulence and this time period had a lot of changes occuring at one time. I agree, some of the artists during this era are timeless. Their music will live on long past us. PS-- I've read that Mozart, as a person, was considered wild for his era.
I think that music from that era is timeless & not just an
illusion of the baby boomers. Music from Carole King, Carly Simon, Joni Mitchell, Stevie Wonder, Traffic, Tull, Elton John, Al Green, Three Dog Night, Blood Sweat & Tears, Steve Miller (& Lord Save Me, Alice Cooper) & other prolific folks will be around decades from now--when Hootie & the Blowfish are just Trivial Pursuit questions. (No offense to Hootie... :) ).
Lou...I must disagree.....most music from any era is mediocre...this is not a problem just with the rock era. I think that it is just as likely if not more so that people will know the Beatles as opposed to Sinatra and I will tell ya Do you remember who wrote Don Giovanni or who gave a particularly stellar performance of it in 1905? nuff sed
Viridian, you make a good point about the time line. I was trying to condense it to a five year span. A lot of the artists/bands mentioned were influenced by blues artists dating to the 1950's, and then later by groups like the Animals and the Beatles. Jimi Hendrix started his group in England in September of 1966. Eric Clapton with Cream released Disraeli Gears in November of 1967. Led Zeppelin released what I think was their first album in 1969. Personally , I think the peak of creativity for this era was when Pink Floyd released Dark Side of the Moon in 1973. Also, I had better mention Joni Mitchell and Carol King, two of my wife's favorite artists. Good Listening!
Personally I think we are too close to the woods to see staying power-only time will dictate that but imho there are a few modern classics around that will stand the test of time.

Sure modern music is more deravitive than ever but just think how much Zeppelin sounded like overblown rip off merchants to the Blues purists of the 60's and early 70's.....the generation of music we embrace now was dismissed by many at the time as no more than a fad.
While the Led Zep box set is excellent, get the DVD and see them in action too (Jimmy, where did that sweater come from?). Ya OK, some of the stuff seems a bit juvenile now, but a lot of it doesn't - I'd still give up a piece something of significant personal value to be able to play half as well as Jimmy, and Robert's voice still sounds pretty amazing.
Yes Jan Hammer was keyboards for Mahavishnu, and he also did the theme music for Miami Vice.
My kids are 12 / 14, and last summer I gave them electric guitars and amps, partially to p-off the ex, but also to try to have something we could continue to enjoy together.
What are they working on the hardest/ - Led Zep, EC, Ten Years After (!), Creedence etc. OK, I've always had these things on while they're around, but the geriatric rock thing seems to be OK with them and I don't hear much of the new stuff coming from them.
The funny thing - they can't watch the new Who DVD I got, cause "those guys are too old" - they stay with the older Who performances, when Pete, Rodger et al were in their 20'-30's - wish I could rewind the timeline.
As it was already stated, we all generally have a soft spot for the music of our youth. With that said, I think young kids today also like what is called "classic rock" today, so there is some staying power to it. Personally I am not a big fan of some of those listed but would lean toward some from later in the 1970's, not that I listen to much of it these days; there are others I like though from that era, like CCR, and obviously many hits I would enjoy.

While I whole heartedly agree that there isn't much today that I see with "staying power", let's not forget that we are looking back at these names that have proved the test of time, there were MANY that came and went as well as one hit wonders from that era as in all others.

Anyway, while I understand the post, the ara given is too limited IMO; it would be a good medium ara for Rock.
Interestingly enough the new Q magazine in the UK has the most important band in the world today on the cover (their words not mine)Led Zeppelin.

Sure not all Rock greats endure and there is an element of fashionable acceptance involved-in the years between 78-85 Zep were universaly panned by the critics and in terms of influence of new bands they were non-starters.

Everybody mellows to an extent as they get older,some less than others and some music dates for you and some doesn't.
Don't date me improperly, I'm your age. I just think a lot of what was done in those days was not on par with what preceeded it. I think Sinatra is more likely to be listened to in 100 years than Babe Ruth, not fair as they were not even a 1 hit wonder. Seriously though, I do very much doubt the staying power of a lot of rock. I do still listen mind you, but there is a lot more crap then there are gems there, IMO. My taste has just matured.
You know you're getting old when the "oldies" radio shows aren't old enough for you!

I grew up and reached adolescence in the 60's so I have a soft spot for late 60's and early 70's rock. I find that people are "imprinted" with the music of that stage of their life, the same way that my parents loved the big band sound of the 40's and the way that my children seem enthralled with their music today.

And while I'm on my soapbox here, may I express my continuing displeasure with the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for not having Jethro Tull. Thirty-seven years and counting and still with a strong following. They should rename the place the "Top 40 Hall of Fame".
Hi Viridian,

Wow, now that's something. I initially had the same reaction to Krall. Listening to her was like watching a 50's movie with the bar slut singing. Be that as it may, I finally got hooked on "Peal Me a Grape", I mean it's so comical you have to love it! From there her style, such as it is, grew on me. For pure awesome voice, I love Ronstandt's works with Nelson Riddle. I mean the instrumentals are first rate, but her voice seals the deal. Hearing her talk, OTOH, is like listening to finger nails on a chalk boards. Oh my gosh, she is a shrill chatter box! How that translates into such a great singing voice is beyond me!

As for Zep, I tend to avoid box sets due to cost, but I give it serious consideration, thanks!
There has been nothing that can touch some of the classic Grateful Dead shows from the early 70s. There was a reason some people used to say "Eat, drink, and see Jerry".

Or, not strictly rock; can you think of any music that has rivalled the sheer artistry and power of the original Mahavishnu Orchestra (album: The Ever Mounting Flame)with John McLaughlin, Jerry Goodman, Billy Cobham, Rick Laird, and keyboard player who was Jan Hammer I think..not sure about that one.
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Well, I suppose my experience is a bit different. I grew up listening and loving these groups, but the older I get, the more simplistic, barbaric, and just plane sophomoric this music sounds to me. Consider Zeppelin’s "Whole Lot of Love" I mean, I love the beat, but only a boy of 16 or younger would not be embarrassed to sing that song, IMO. What about Jimmy Morrison, “Eat more chicken than any man ever known” was it? Oh yea, we’re talking real class act here boys. I am learning and enjoying Sinatra, Diana Krall, and other like performers. Oddly I heard that old Ozzy Osborne is a Sinatra fan now too! In the end, it's really all about what works for you, but really guys…
Talon4, as Viridian mentioned, ALL of the groups that you mentioned from the 1970's released albums in the late 1960's. They did, however, come into mega-star status in the early 1970's, with some of their best selling albums (as well as their most creative and artistic works [IMHO]) between 1970 to 1975.
The music in this time frame is still my favorite music after all these years.
Besides being very good music,I believe it creates euphoric recall for most of us that enjoyed the music,concerts and parties during this time..
In other words,there's more to it than just the music.
I agree with both Swampwalker and Viridian.

While that was a very influential period for that kind of music, I believe that jazz fans would talk of different eras of genius (depending on the type of jazz in question), modern rock fans would speak of Nirvana et al, rap fans would be focused on yet another period. The great thing is that music keeps changing and there are geniuses right around the corner.

Yes, I loved the late 60's and early 70's and would argue that the music was fantastic and it was a significant influence on later music. I believe it was one of the most creative periods ever, but I'm biased by my history. Heck, even those folks were influenced by the blues and rock of earlier days. Nonetheless, a classical era for great music and creativity!
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