The $27,900 disappointment? Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 8 issues.

GR Research gave a breakdown of these & I was surprised..

Owner looking to make them sound better.



I just want to point out that Wilson was making very different speakers in a different market then than now.

Not that I’m a fanboy or could even really justify their prices, but when we look back at vintage speakers we are looking back at different times and tastes.

Vintage Infinity, Focal and B&W all can easily be criticized by a DIYer/modder. Troels Gravesen has also done a few rebuilds (Yamaha, Snell) but sticks more to the facts.

While it's easy to critique these vintage pieces now, it's also good to remember that they were actually what was considered successful. 

I’m not saying don’t mod, but be gentle on the reputations of the original designers.

I must agree with one poster on that vid. Those speakers remind me of a 50 year old trash can or maybe modern day DaleK.  Prefer the more classic designs , think Dynaudio Contour series ...

I've heard the Watt Puppy 8s on several occasions and thought they sounded wonderful each time I heard them. May not have been my first choice in speakers, but they still sounded very pleasing to my ears.  Me personally, I've always relied more on my ears than reviews from whoever.  Happy listening.      

I believe VERY LITTLE of what Danny has to say! He's a competitor of other speaker companies and loves to bash them like he has the best products in the world! I have absolutely ZERO respect for the guy!

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