That Audiophile Thing

It took me years of going to "high end emporiums", reading every audio magazine printed, including those in the UK, and listening in that "audiophilic manner" to get my system together. It has the holographic sound I worked so hard to achieve.

Recently, I was admiring another audiophile's exquisite system (not personally, but here on the Gon) and I was wondering how long it took him to put it together. After admiring his system, I began listening to mine, and enjoying the music immensely. While I thought about his system, the thought also came to me about the headache of putting a new system together in "your" listening room. Even if you have the money, you don't just plunk this stuff down in the listening room and get good sound out of it.

To complicate matters even more, this is a 300B system utilizing extremely efficient speakers. Although I know "zip" about a 300B system, I'm positive from what I've read, that his sound is exquisite. My question to you, is after taking into consideration all the "minutiae" involved in getting audiophile holographic sound in your listening room, are you ready to do it all over again? Money is not a consideration in regard to this question.
Yes. Of course - since you''ve allowed that money is no object... If that we're the case, I'd have a custom home built with a professionally-designed dedicated studio and I'd hire my good friend John from Audio Video Logic to install/setup/tweak the system and room... Boy, would I love to be able to do that... Then again, if money were no object, I would most certainly do it all by myself all over again. What else is a rich audiophile going to do...?
No, I don't think I would do it all over again. It's more than just money, it's time and effort to set up, dismantle, buy and sell. The hassle of ads, pics, carrying 100 pound boxes to and from Fed Ex/UPS. I'm getting too old for this shit. LOL!

I used to pull the trigger on anything that interested me. Now, when I see something I really want, I just imagine myself taking the pictures, posting the for sale ad, dealing with lowballers and fianlly, carrying the box out to be shipped. That usually quells the desire to buy. ;)
The first system is always the hardest to dial in. This is because the room plays a bigger part in the sound than most people realize. Once you learn your room it becomes much easier. I wouldn't get too excited about 300B or any other single ended amplifier. They do some things very well, but they also have their limitations.
Jmcgrogan2, you must have read my mind, because that's exactly what I was thinking, "I'm too old for that shit". The more I thought about it the better my system sounded.

Rrog, in all my travels, I never heard a 300B and at a glance they don't seem to have enough power, although I'm sure they do; at any rate I'm not ready for the unknown.

2chnlben, I meant enough to buy the stuff, not have "Jeeves" the butler put it together for you. You must be thinking about the rich audiophile that was in Stereo Review's funny strip.

Enjoy your music, on your system, I'm sure it sounds good.
i think thr process is easier if you start out with quality components.

for example, if you have quad esl speakers, preferably stacked, it is hard to get bad sound. next, understand that the quds sound better with tube amps.

the point is it is not that hard to learn the facts about amp, speaker interaction, preamp, amp interaction and the effect of long length cables.

if you speak to enough manufacturers, you can configure a decent sounding system. then tuning will be necessary to satisfy your sonic palette.

i don't think it is that difficult or should take a long time to attain a quality stereo system.
Ditto to what 2chnlben says. With what I know I have a very clear picture of what I'd do with my mind's eye reference on what my goals are. This isn't to say I'm not satisfied with what I have, I am and it has evolved but I know what is missing and what direction to go to fill in the missing pieces. It would definitely start with a dedicated room which I have drawn and designed as an addition onto my house. As a (now retired) building contractor I have been involved in construction of a few dedicated rooms, primarly for multipurpose audiovideo and am familiar with the many options and possibilities in the ever evolving materials and considerations that can be implemented. Having a blank check permits consideration of ALL the options instead of compromise. I would definitely consult with with an audio design engineering firm first prior to any move. First, the room, second the recordings, third the gear, too much emphasis on the gear. While very important, a less than optimal room can NEVER recover from poor or compromised room acoustics. Just my .02 cents.

Like magic, this 300B system would appear at your door in boxes, but you can't sell it ever. Plus, like me, you don't know squat about a 300B system; would you take it? And I'm sure it's going to sound exquisite as 300B systems go, however that is, whenever you get it together.
Orpheus10, for the last thirty years or so, I have had a system that is by, most standards, pretty complex: air bearing tonearm, big tt with separate ps, flywheel, etc., tubes, crazy-inefficient speakers (Stax). I have always enjoyed the "gear" side of the hobby, and have dabbled with modifications, hardwiring, etc. My system sounds great and serves the music very well; which is my priority.

But, I confess that as I get older (55), I am more and more intrigued by the idea of a simpler system along the lines of a 300B-based high-efficiency speaker system; something that will occupy less space and requires less futzing. I have heard some 300B/high efficiency systems that sound fantastic. As Rrog points out, they do some things very well, but have their limitations. Very true, but I have heard few systems that I cannot say that about, and that brings us to the issue of sonic priorities. For me, simple, well matched triode tubes/high efficiency speakers can convey a purity and directness of musical purpose that simply pushes a lot of the right buttons for me. There can be a sense of clarity that is very appealing. I don't just mean clarity in the sense of being able to hear all the usual audiophile things, but a clarity of musical line, interaction between players, subtle dynamic shadings, etc. They may have some trouble with rock, fusion jazz, but with acoustic jazz by smallish ensembles, they can be fantastic. There simply seems to be less "stuff" getting in the way on the way from the LP grooves (or cd) and my ears. Knowing what I do about your musical tastes, I would not be too quick to abandon the idea.
You make it sound so complicated! Sure there are some things to learn, but the little that is needed is not overly technical. A foolproof way to try out 300b tubes would be to get a full Coincident system, preamp/amp/wire/speakers and match it with a high quality source. Of course, you could spend the next 5 years reading magazines and perusing on-line forums looking for the perfect synergistic match of components. One path is real easy, the other less so. Now if you're the type of person who feels that changing electrical outlet plates produces profound changes in you system performance, then there's really no choice between the two paths.

I would strongly encourage every serious audiophile to have multiple systems. Having secondary systems really helped me put the main system in perspective. The secondary systems should be high quality, but they don't have to be perfectionist oriented. It really is quite easy and highly enjoyable to relax and listen to music without getting into the audiophile thing.

Since your answers are much more interesting going with my original thread, forget about the two restricting comments I made. Maybe this "geezer" can get motivation to do new things.
"understand that the Quads sound better with tube amps"

The best I have heard Quads was with Gradient subwoofers and Quad solid state electronics.
Another thoughtful post as usual.For someone who does`nt have a 300b based system you sure described their attributes very well.To tell the truth you can play pretty much any genre of music'with the proper speaker match'.All amplifiers regardless of topology or power will have some degree of inherent limitations(I know of no exceptions). It just depends of individual listening priorities and what compromise you`ll except in exchange. Certainly jazz fusion and big band can sound wonderful,I play lots of Duke Ellington and Gil Evans big band.Every type of amplifier has it`s area of strength.I could be just as happy with an 845 amp based on whatI`ve heard of them.

Within 300b or any amp type there`s always a hierarchy,just pick a good quality one and you`ll be very pleased.My 8 watt 300b SET replaced an excellent push pull 100 watt amp 3 1/2 years ago and there`s no going back. A bit less bass weight and presence but other than that I find the SET just a better communicator of the music, of course YMMV.Frogman, I suspect you`d really like a well set up 300b system.
Meant to write the 100 watt PP amp had a bit more bass presence and authority. In terms of tactile presence and realism of venue ambiance the SET 300b is more convincing.You feel you`re in the same space as the live performers,I like that.

It's for certain I won't have a 300B in the listening room. Do you think they're too hot for the bedroom? I can stand as much heat as a tube pre, but not a tube amp. I'm seriously considering a 300B in the bedroom, that's where I'm sure the low power won't be a factor.

Thanks to every one for participating.

Enjoy the music.
Secret, if holo sound is your goal, find a modded Dynaco PAS-3 pre for $500 or less and run it with a SS amp with 200+ watts a side.
Used to show up on here a lot, but not many moving lately.
I have two, use NOS 5814's, RCA blackplates throw a big stage.Even the cheapest Analysis Plus IC's do as well.

Theoretically, the 300B is the best, that's why I have to try it. When someone tells me that I have to try something in order to find out whether or not it works, but can't provide any kind of theory in regard to why it works, as far as I'm concerned it's "snake oil". In the case of the 300B, the theory is there.

Enjoy the music.