Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
@audiolabryinth. Hey it's funny how every once in a while people can get rude and snobby of the forums. I just don't respond to them. I just keep the audio going. You either love the audio or you don't. I have a friend who just purchased a vehicle and is selling his audio. I understand how he feels but my audio is here to stay. I might have to go back to my ear 868, classe combination after the veloce but I'm going to enjoy my veloce demo for now. Sometimes audio can be a status thing. For me it is not. I clearly just want to hear the best. Music is intoxicating to me especially when you have great cables and gear hooked up. I have been on a journey the last 4 or 5 months. I heard a system out in Murphy that was great. It had $100000 yg acoustics and dartzeel amps and pre amps. The room was customized. It was sound proofed and had the top end of mit cabling. The lighting was set up to make the speakers actually disappear during the listening session. Really great sound, electronics and atmosphere was really unique because of the abba co da bra lighting to not see the speakers. If could afford an all out assault like that I would be all in. I then when out to southlake and heard another great system using high fidelity cabling and raven electronics. I then went to Plano to hear kr audio kr900. This system was not as expensive as the other but it was very pleasing. Then I went out to east Texas to design audio video and heard raihdo speakers with soulution amplifiers. It was organically amazing and room filling. I went to McKinney to hear the kr audio 900 on the gato fm 6 speakers It was truly a satisfying room filling joy as well. The highs were really clear and the mid range and bass were kicking. I then went to the other side of McKinney and heard voxativ speakers on luminance audio amplifiers and it was a clear and fast sounding transparent system. Especially on jazz. It had the best of the best of high fidelity cables ultimate reference speaker cables, interconnects and power cords. It was whip like fast on jazz and rythyms. I hated to leave the room. I then was allowed to demo the veloce amp and pre amp with my vienna acoustic speakers and high fidelity ultimate reference cabling throughout. I'm using my little vienna acoustics beethoven baby grand se speakers. I'm in that moment when listening to my system here. I can see though the music. The jazz has pace and and rythym like never before. It just fast detailed but still organic and full. I have been blessed to hear all of these different systems that all sound great in different ways. All my audiophiles enjoy your journey because I have. It's about the sound you can put together. True audiophiles are sound first and cost later. Lol. We just want to mainline on the music. We want to tweak and geek till we pass out lol. The hobby should bring you joy. Is it expensive yes but at least you spend hours and hours smiling in your sessions. Enjoy to all who are will to come to our twilight zone and for those who are not. Protect your accounts and cars etc. if you truly hear the good stuff you are gonna lose it all on one trip to OZ. Lol.
@audiolabryinth. Hey it's funny how every once in a while people can get rude and snobby of the forums. I just don't respond to them. I just keep the audio going. You either love the audio or you don't. I have a friend who just purchased a vehicle and is selling his audio. I understand how he feels but my audio is here to stay. I might have to go back to my ear 868, classe combination after the veloce but I'm going to enjoy my veloce demo for now. Sometimes audio can be a status thing. For me it is not. I clearly just want to hear the best. Music is intoxicating to me especially when you have great cables and gear hooked up. I have been on a journey the last 4 or 5 months. I heard a system out in Murphy that was great. It had $100000 yg acoustics and dartzeel amps and pre amps. The room was customized. It was sound proofed and had the top end of mit cabling. The lighting was set up to make the speakers actually disappear during the listening session. Really great sound, electronics and atmosphere was really unique because of the abba co da bra lighting to not see the speakers. If could afford an all out assault like that I would be all in. I then when out to southlake and heard another great system using high fidelity cabling and raven electronics. I then went to Plano to hear kr audio kr900. This system was not as expensive as the other but it was very pleasing. Then I went out to east Texas to design audio video and heard raihdo speakers with soulution amplifiers. It was organically amazing and room filling. I went to McKinney to hear the kr audio 900 on the gato fm 6 speakers It was truly a satisfying room filling joy as well. The highs were really clear and the mid range and bass were kicking. I then went to the other side of McKinney and heard voxativ speakers on luminance audio amplifiers and it was a clear and fast sounding transparent system. Especially on jazz. It had the best of the best of high fidelity cables ultimate reference speaker cables, interconnects and power cords. It was whip like fast on jazz and rythyms. I hated to leave the room. I then was allowed to demo the veloce amp and pre amp with my vienna acoustic speakers and high fidelity ultimate reference cabling throughout. I'm using my little vienna acoustics beethoven baby grand se speakers. I'm in that moment when listening to my system here. I can see though the music. The jazz has pace and and rythym like never before. It just fast detailed but still organic and full. I have been blessed to hear all of these different systems that all sound great in different ways. All my audiophiles enjoy your journey because I have. It's about the sound you can put together. True audiophiles are sound first and cost later. Lol. We just want to mainline on the music. We want to tweak and geek till we pass out lol. The hobby should bring you joy. Is it expensive yes but at least you spend hours and hours smiling in your sessions. Enjoy to all who are will to come to our twilight zone and for those who are not. Protect your accounts and cars etc. if you truly hear the good stuff you are gonna lose it all on one trip to OZ. Lol. The system brings me joy not the BLUES. I'm not a Debbie Downer I stay HAPPY like the song. I have listen to wide range of equipment and systems. That are put together differently. I think I have heard 8 to 10 different systems and I have gained a lot of experience in audio to truly understand what a system, cable, speaker, interconnect etc. can and can't do. I have heard pieces at different price points up to 2 systems that are more the 150k and then other systems at 100k then those that cost 20k to 50k. It does get better when you spend more. It can get really really good up the chain but you can can also get satisfying sound at the lower range. If it makes you happy go for it. If it doesn't then stay on the sidelines and heckle. Lol.
Hi Calvinj, Very, Very, good post you did here, I enjoyed reading about all that you are doing, I am pleased to be your friend, I do have a question for you, now that you are getting exsperience that most audiophiles do not have, tell me, in your opinion, If we were to use percentages, How much more of a good sound improvement did you hear between the 20k,50k, systems versus the 100k,150k,200k systems?, some say that there is little to be gained when you spend past 100k systems, they say you get small returns, like 5% to 30% and that's all.
Hi calvinj, I asume that the two gentleman that did not like the Tara labs Cobalt power cord did not have a Tara Labs Zero Gold interconnect and Omega gold speaker cables, Here is what I will say, Jebsmith73 said that the cobalt had a bass bump, and to much treble resolution, and Rebel721 said, the cobalt is not a referance power cord, yes the power cord HAD a bass bump, Had upper mid-range emphasis, Those attributes went away during break-in!,, I absolutly give you the truth here, at 465 hours of burn-in, this is one of the most profound up-grades for sound reproduction in MY system I have ever heard in my life!, The power cord is very natural sounding mated with the Tara Labs Zero Gold and Omega Gold, It's like they were made for each other!, I am extremly pleased!, My system has NEVER sounded so good!, sysnergy baby, that's right, sysnergy is where it is at!, cheers.
@audiolabryinth. Well in terms of the improvement a different price points you would first have to understand that the 3 or 4 most expensive systems I have heard were put together by guys that either have a lot if experience in the industry or have sold and heard a lot of equipment. For example, the most expensive system I heard was the one that had the yg acoustics speakers and mit cables on it and the dartzeel amp and pre was great. The owner built it to suit his tastes and sound in music. He treated the room took measurements etc. He created a great sound and listening environment. The yg were design to give you a totally even response. They did that really well. It's not always about the equipment but the system as a whole has to be quality and it has to be set up properly. The higher end stuff can be mind blowing good. It should be for the price. I can't put a percentage on it. There are a lot variables. Sound is more than just the equipment. It is the room, power, speaker placement, equipment matching, cable matching. I didn't even mention one of the most important which is the recording itself. I believe you can put good systems together for 25000. When you go up the chain to 50000 it's gets better and so on up to the crazy mega system that I heard. But when you get that high you are talking dedicated rooms, tweaks and even modification of some equipment. The mega system with the high fidelity ultimate reference system withe voxativ speakers and the ayon dac was great. It was very natural sounding system and it also achieved the sound that the owner wanted. Great depth soundstage and speed with natural sound. The soulution electronics raihdo speaker system was unreal. It gave you the impression that gave you had endless soundstage and depth. It was ultra smooth. That's what the owner wanted. He has an aversion to bright treble. It treble ever gets harsh it drives him crazy. I'm also in the same camp. I like his system because my preference was the same as his almost to a tee. It depends on what you like. The more expensive stuff in most cases can take you to a deeper and farther level of what you seek. I came to the conclusion that I will keep my parasound cd 1 as my cd front end because of its continued performance in all my own systems I put together. It has qualities I like. I heard two other really expensive systems but they were put together for the purpose of getting the owner exactly what they sought in sound signature. If I had the money I would get the best I could because I love the music. I want it to be as real as possible. Great systems don't have to cost you a house or car but if you want to climb the mountain then why not. A great system is great because YOUR ear likes it. But our ears are all different. My audio buddies have different preferences. There are about 7 guys in the circle that I know and they all have vastly different tastes in sound. The systems range from 25,000 up to 300,000 but they all are satisfying to their owners fro different reasons and they get the job done. But it should never be about cost. If you can put together a 5000 or 10000 system that you like then you should be happy with it. However I must admit that the really expensive stuff is in a whole other world good. It puts the performers in the room with you. It can be stunning the amount of performance you get out of the best equipment in the hobby. Amps, pre amps, sources, cables and power cords all matter no matter what the people say. The better you get the better the sound. The better you match the better the sound.
you are learning well calvinj, all that you are exsperiencing, I have done many times thru out the years!, I have litteraly traveled half the united states listening to systems, atleast you have not had to travel far out side the state of Texas!, you can very well turn out like me, Im saying, with the exsperience you gather, you will learn to be a top builder, meaning, for less money, you will, and can exceed your exspectations for whats possible in the High-end Audio, Happy Listening!
>>you can very well turn out like me<<

Yeah that works for the general population
Hi Misternice, How is the stealth power cable sounding?, I know it is early, but a cable should give you a hint of the sound New.
@audiolabrytinth. Hey I'm gonna wait and be careful on choosing my equipment. Sometimes I can be impatient on getting my system together. The veloce is a great piece I just need to make sure I'm gonna go in on it. Gonna take my time.
Hi gang...its been a while but I wanted to report back on my recently acquired The 2 Extended with HFX Grounding Station. By now I have at least 300 hours on them. To my tastes, these are the best ICs I have ever tried (and I have tried a lot including Nordost, Acoustic Zen, Purist, Synergistic Research, etc). I can characterize the sound of The 2 as organic and very natural sounding. They make vocals and instrument sound so real to me, especially acoustic instruments which is perfect for my listening preferences. Dont get me wrong, these cables also sound extended and crisp without sounding too sterile or overly aggressive. They are the perfect balanced for my tastes. Next up is to audition Tara digital cable then perhaps upgrade my The One speaker cables. Thoughts?
Hi Tboooe, Wow!, that took you a very long time to get 300 hours on your cable, I am very happy you are loving the Tara Labs-The Two with HFX grounding station extended version interconnect,As far as your The one speaker cables, man, those cables are very musical, I love them!, I still have a pair of 6ft, I will keep them forever, LOL!, I suggest this Tommy, If their is a way you can audition a Tara cable before you buy, Do it!, Why?, well, as good as Tara Labs Is, sometimes, more resolution is not always the fix, an example, the 0.8 is a better cable than the- The one speaker cable, however, depending on your system needs, the one is more warm, where the 0.8 has more resolution with a little warmth, I would audition the digital cable first, you have great speaker cables, I would be in no hurry to get to the speaker cables, find out first which model digital cable from Tara Labs best fits your system, then, if desired, go for speaker cables, welcome back to the thread.
Hi ,the PC is used,so she was running good after a minute and really good the next day.Yes I really like them,it doesn't do anything wrong,and everything right.I was hoping michael ,had another one ,so I hinted and yes.So another one is on the way.So I'm a very happy chappy.
Keith,the voodoo adapter arrived,so I tried the stealth on the CD player and the amp,which it was designed for.It really came on on the amp too.So one on the pre and the amp ,should take me to,another level again.The owner of stealth,said I shouldn't loose anything with it on the pre ,if I stay with the same PC on the amp,which I was hoping he would say.Cause it really is superb.
Bob, that sounds great, give us a review of the stealth power cable in detail, I like to know what other power cables you have compaired them to?
Rebel721, Hi, Have you got your new Tara labs Evolution Zero and Evolution Omega cables yet?
Hi keith, give me a couple of weeks, my other pc should be here by then.Im away on holiday for two weeks. Judyazblues be nice to keith while im away.cheers
@ Jebsmith73, how is your Stage -3 concepts Kraken power cord sounding?, how many hours do you have on it now?
Kraken cords were bought used, they already had some hours on them. It did take a week or so for them to settle in for best sound. After that , don't move them.
Jebsmith73, How many kraken power cords did you get?, I do not believe I have seen any Kraken power cords used for sale on audiogon, must be rare that anyone sales them, can you tell me about the sound?, the cobalt here litterally took over 500 hours to break-in for real!, still getting some small improvements, believe me, I understand, moving the cobalt around has the same effect, however, I have to unplug it from time to time because of lighting storms down here where I live, takes a few hours to re-ajust, are all your cords the same length?, cheers to you Jeb, thankyou for your reply.
Best way to know what the Kraken power cord sounds like is to try one in your system .
Jebsmith73, I would not try a kraken power cord in my system unless I knew what It sounds like first,otherwise, That would be a wast of time and money.
IBlieve, Hi, did you have luck selling your Esoteric power cord?, what was you going to do for the replacement?
@audiolabryinth. What's up. The veloce is the bomb keith. High fidelity+veloce + parasound cd1+ vienna acoustics beethoven baby grand + rel528 = my best sound ever. Also I heard on of the best integrateds in the kr900.
I'm still demoing it. I've learned it takes a long listen on this stuff to truly know what it is doing or not doing. Had an amazing listening session Sunday though.
Hi there,keith.omega speaker cables don't come up for sale very often,do they.I wonder what a 2 mtr pair would be worth on the used market.
Misternice, make sure you authenticate the Omega gold speaker cable with serial number on the cable with Tara labs, very important!, there was a omega spaker cable that was the first version, It is not the same, or as good as a real Omega gold, then there is counterfiet cables from where ever, Beware!, However, the real Omega gold for 8ft used best price is $10,000.00 to $11,500.00 u.s. dollar, likly the last cable you will ever own for speaker cables, there is not nobody that makes a better speaker cable as this model, Bar none!
Cheers thanks,Ive read theyre good.At the moment ,I use magnan signature,which is very good,musical,but lacks real speed.Ill stick with them for another 6 months or so.It will be hard for me to part with so much money for a set of speaker cables.2k for a pc,was twice what ive paid,before.The talk is keith,pink Floyd may be coming out with a album before the year is out,the should be very interesting.
Bob, man-o-man, no one will ever believe me!, At 678 hours of break-in, This Tara labs cobalt FINALLY is doing everything excellent!, bass was the last thing to get accurate, as it turns out, this is a profound power cord!, It seems no one gives this power cord enough of burn-in before they give their impressions, I know, I did the same, I WAS going to sale it, absolutly a keeper now!, it has a synergy with the Tara Labs Zero gold interconnect and Omega Gold speaker cables that is AWSOME!, However, I can tell you, never before have I exsperienced such a long break-in with anything, the waite was worth while!
I have an up-date on the new tara labs introductions, stay tuned!, the most profound cables are Here, new multiple models above the Tara labs cobalt power cables, A Highly respected mainstream reviewer will acclaim the new Tara labs top model interconnects, speaker cables, power cables, as best money can buy, It's comming, the end game is near, as always, you heard it first from the audiolabyrinth.
Hi Everyone, The Brand New Tara Labs Power cables are as follows, The cobalt was the top model, Tara Labs still has the cobalt in the line-up, so starting with the cobalt AC power cord to each model after that is the performance levels, The Cobalt AC power cable, The NEW Cobalt AC Reference power cable, The New Omega Evolution AC power cable, The new Grandmaster Evolution AC power cable,, I read how these new power cords are made, very, very, good new technology, If any of you out there buys any of the New, or listens to a well burned-in new Tara Labs model power cord, share your impressions here, as always, you heard it first from the Audiolabyrinth, Happy Listening.
@whats up keith. These high fidelity cables with the veloce is intoxicating. I hope you are enjoying the tara labs. I bet they are great cables for your system. I'm just happy you found something that makes you happy.
Calvinj, The krell 700cx modified sounds incredible, alot different than before, somehow, the amp has some of the most perfect grainless-none brittle treble I have ever listened to, I am quite happy with the total sound quality over what a normal Krell 700cx sounds like, The Tara labs cobalt that is on the cd-player took a very long time to break-in, longest in my history, I suppose that was due because the digital unit only draws 25 to 30 watts from the wall!, the power cord took 568 hours before it worked out all the quirkes, all that said, I am hearing the Tara Labs Zero Gold do sound that I did not know was possible with this cable, it's like I got a better cable, LOL!, one sound in particular that stands out is the most incredible horn, piano, and vocal music is so organic and real sounding, it makes your hair stand up on your neck, jazz is off the chain, there is a draw back, The amp gets very hot, I have to polish and condition my speakers or the amp litterally dries the wood out in a month, cheers.
Hi Jebsmith73, Welcome back to the thread, You would have to call Mr. Devon Scott at Tara Labs to get price quotes on the new A/C power cables, if you do, tell him Keith-audiolabyrinth sends best regards to him, I'm interested in the Omega Evolution A/C power cable myself, these cables just got released, hot off the press, suppose to be far better than the standard Cobalt power cord, if you get a chance to audition a well burned-in new Tara Labs power cord, share your impressions here on this thread if you will, cheers
I personally talked to Mathew Bond, The man, quote- In no way is the madison cable compairable to the new Tara labs offerings that I Designed!, and in my personal opinion, not as good as the previous top model Tara cables, Mathew did a cable team with madison as a revenue to make MONEY, never intended to be better than the company he started, and mathew owns the biggest percent of ownership of Tara labs, case closed.
calvinj, I likly will not get a welcomed response on the high-fidelity thread about my last post, I enjoy your ethusiasm, But I believe you should come on over to the Tara labs, Once you have listened to the New tara labs Evolution Zero interconnect and Evolution Omega speaker cables in your system, It WILL be a significant Game changer you will never forget the rest of your life, likly to re-morgage your home to get the cables A.S.A.P.
@audiolabyrinth. That came out of nowhere. Did somebody as you something about that. Why would someone do another cable company after they already are involved in tara labs. I'm just interested. It would be hard not to share what was being used at the first company. What do you think.
oh, if you are asking about my post about madison cables?, My bad, my computer went to a page of this thread that I believed was the last post, It was not!, that's old news, forgive me.
calvinj, post your impressions of your new equipment, like your LSA statement intergrated amp etc...here.