Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.

Showing 14 responses by judyazblues

To audiolabyrinth
Please don't be so naive. I spent 35+ years in corporate America mostly in sales and marketing. Entertainment including dinners, lunches, condo usage, great golf courses, fine wine, and more etc. all enter into a business relationship. Lobbyists in Washington do the same thing.
Awards, prizes, reviews et.al. all come with a price of some kind. I'm not accusing any of the principles you alluded to in your advertisement but don't think for a moment your favorite is above and beyond any of what I described. I lived it. I did it. It's how the game is played and high end audio is no cleaner than any other industry.
Wow, you are really lucky to have inside information.
That is so cool.
Man oh man, awesome.
How many $7000 power cords have you heard in your system?

Unless you've heard all of them, being convinced is simply foolish.
Please list all of the power cords you've heard in YOUR system.
Unless it's been dozens, your ramblings are nonsensical and meaningless.
The results of cables you listened to 15 years ago in a different system are irrelevant.
More expensive than both my autos

Aw come on, a pair of used Yugos don't cost that much
>>you can very well turn out like me<<

Yeah that works for the general population