Tampa Bay Area Audiogoners


Are there any other A'goners out there from the Tampa Bay area?

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Does anyone know if Blindjim is still around the Tampa area?  I used to talk to him regularly and have not heard from him in recent years. Thanks in advance.


Bumping this thread!  

The Suncoast Audiophile Society (https://www.meetup.com/Suncoast-Audiophile-Society/) is alive and well, with over 100 members, including some from Central Florida and as far south as Sarasota.  

Now, there is also a "sister" audiophile club in Sarasota... https://www.meetup.com/SarasotaAudiophiles/, with many local audiophiles belonging to both groups.
FYI, the Tampa Bay Listening Society is expanding our geographic reach and has been renamed the Suncoast Audiophile Society. We also have a new website... www.meetup.com/suncoast-audiophile-society/

If you're anywhere in the West/Central Florida region, check us out!
FYI, just realized this old thread should be updated. The Tampa Bay Listening Society is alive and thriving, with a new Website/Forum... www.thetbls.com

For those of you in the Tampa Bay area (even Bradenton and Sarasota), check us out!
Just a reminder that the Tampa Bay Listening Society is alive and well, and has a new and improved website... www.thetbls.com

The forum is now up and running, and we'll be incorporating it with the full website shortly. The TBLS meets the FIRST Tues of every month, and various members hold informal listening sessions from time to time. If you live in the Tampa Bay area, check us out!
Oops, the TBLS Forum link above got truncated. Here is the complete link...
Fellow Tampa Bay audiophiles... as posted previously, check out the Tampa Bay Listening Society. We have monthly meetings, plus LOTS of smaller scale listening sessions/gear swapping arranged between members. Our Website and Forum are still under development, but activity and membership is growing. Check out our Forum at...

Sign up, introduce yourself, and join the fun!
Hi guys,

I have not checked into this thread in a while. Its nice to see there are some real audiophiles in the Tampa Bay Area after all.

Blindjim we live in the same zip code, so we must not be far away. You have a very nice system.

Ray, your system looks like it rocks.

Kevin, you sound as though you have put a toe into the audio waters and liked what you felt!

Let's hear more from you guys.

I would like to find out more about attending a meeting TBLS!I will visit the website!Thanks guys!Ray
Hello, Ed. I'm in south Tampa. I probably haven't been bitten by the audiophilia nervosa bug enough to qualify as a full-fledged audiophile, but I enjoy learning from the 'Gon and am working my way toward a decent system.

OK. Count me in too. I'm in the 33624 sip code. If I can be of any help or support in some way, don't hesitate to let me know. Given enough notice I can usually be hwereever. Although, I am unable to drive. I can drive, but it's just not a good idea.
Thanks really great guys, the website looks really nice.
I'm over on the east coast in Fort lauderdale and would love to have something like that here. I know a fair amount of gents over here but few seem willing or able to build something like what you have. But they are more HT guys thn 2 channel audiophiles so to speak.

But I hope your club keeps growing and everyone is benefiting from the relationships and knowledge base.
Hey, Tampa Bay area audiophiles, check out the Tampa Bay Listening Society.

We're a (growing) local high-end club with a diverse mix of interests from pure analog to state-of-the-art digital, and everything in between. We host monthly meetings to demo our systems and/or enjoy live music.

Well, at least there's 4 of us. I agree that St. Cecilia Sound Gallery is a very nice audiophile store and its owner, Brian, is a great guy. It is the last place in the Bay area where analog and tube gear is better represented than ss and Brian never rushes you.

I also recommend Audio Visions South in Tampa on Henderson Blvd. George Liu, the owner, has been a close friend of mine for 20 years (disclosure item: my wife has worked for George for the last 2 years). Except for Linn, George has pulled out of the LP playback market based on lack of sales. Except for Musical Fidelity (very good CD players and integrated amps - don't know about their TT), he has also stopped carrying tube gear. But I've fallen in love with everything I've heard from Ayre.

I have been out of the analog game since 1999 and have just jumped back in with the purchase of an SME 20/2 and a Graham Phantom. If any of you guys are experienced with TT, arm and cartridge setup, it's possible I may need help setting up this rig. Let me know if you can and would be willing to help.

Thanks and good listening,

Will,There is a Sound Advice in Sarasota,and a Paradigm /Anthem dealer in Bradenton,,,Your right,,Brian sure makes a person feel at home at St Cecilia!I always enjoy visiting him!I usually pick up a few LPs .Ray
Hi Ray, in a word, no. The mass marketers Circuit City & Best Buy are the only local electronic retailers. Have you checked out St. Cecelia's Sound Gallery in Clearwater? The owner Brian is one the nicest guys on earth and he retails well chosen product lines. How about shops in your area? Will