System Pictures & a kind of "dating service"

I must say I really like the new look and the thread previews and lists much better than the old one. I especially like the system preview pictures. It really gets me drooling in some cases. There are so many systems I would love to be able to hear after seeing the pictures.

If only there were some way to start a "dating service" of sorts here at the site, where someone could post a listening event and invite others in their area to come and give a listen to their systems. I know there are clubs in many areas where people circulate to different houses, but not everyone belongs to a club or has one in their area.

Just a thought, what do you think?

Many A-gon members are generous enough to let you have a listen if you are in their area.
I agree, it's just that from the pictures and postings one doesn't always know that someone is in their area or if other ears are welcome to come over. This would be a way for those that are proud of their systems to invite other members over for a listen, at a scheduled time and convenience.

"If only there were some way to start a "dating service" of sorts here at the site, where someone could post a listening event and invite others in their area to come and give a listen to their systems. I know there are clubs in many areas where people circulate to different houses, but not everyone belongs to a club or has one in their area."

Dont you think the "Audio Clubs" near bottom of forums page do just that? Our club has 2 new members because of a Cleveland Ohio thread.
Post removed 
No, they don't. There are tons of people on this site in the NY metropolitan area that do not belong or attend any of the many club meetings that I attend.

Perhaps they don't like the club thing. Perhaps they are turned off by the other members. Perhaps they are shy. Perhaps they don't know about them or never inquired how to join. Perhaps they are unavailable for club meeting times.

Who knows why, but I'm sure there are people who could benefit from this service, should it become available.

All the same there is a forum to post meetings and area events, if people dont post thats a whole other issue but it does work, in fact our "Ears and Beers" get together is this weekend at my house and a new guy is heading over and its all from that forum.
When you go here ...

And click on "Recent Discourse" for any of the time periods you are taken to a listing of recent and older threads. They now show previews of what is being discussed, including recent postings to that thread.

There are also system listings that now whow thumbnail pictures of the systems themselves.

Pretty cool - this is new in the last month or so.

High End Audio is already like computer dating, everyone makes fantastic claims about what can be had. Compatability is always promised. Then you find out she has stolen your check book
Jere's another thought that may help you understand this concept I'm proposing. For the most part we see the same people posting on these forums. We see the same faces at our local audio get-togethers. That's great, and I love to share this hobby with each of you. But there are more audiophiles out there who do not necessarily participate at the same level, if at all. How can we bring them into the fold in a way that they are comfortable with? I think one way is to let them show off their own systems in a small group setting, under circumstances that they can control. Or perhaps invite them over to a regular member's place where their face can become known.

So, how can we help spread the word? Praise the lord (not sure if that is Krell, Levinson, or a slew of others, but you get my point).

High End Audio is already like computer dating, everyone makes fantastic claims about what can be had.

Are you daring to suggest that nearly everyone makes fantastic claims about ordinary pieces of wire running between components and speakers? Highly preposterous!
I think a great start would be if our personal profiles allowed the option of posting "City" and "State". Right now the profile only lists "Country" and "Membership" and they are always blank.

I know that someone is going to point out that if we use our real names someone (surely not an Audiogon member) would look us up in the phone book and then steal our systems. That is why I said "option".