
Watching the Amazon Prime series  “Suits” 
One of the main characters Harvey has a high- end  audio system  in his private office 
Wondered if anyone can ID the components?


Thanks for your insight. Clearly 'Sherlock' was really Prof Moriarty in disguise. What other cold-blooded villain would leave such a system unheard?

In the series "Bosch" on Amazon, the main character, Harry Bosch has a beautiful vinyl system with what appear to be Ohm Walsh F speakers. He frequently referred to jazz players like Art Pepper in the first season.  Not so much later on.
My favorite on-screen system was Sherlock Holmes’ in CBS’s “Elementary” - all McIntosh turntable and amplification with Monitor Audio towers. Too bad he rarely was shown listening to it, and never played a record in five seasons so far...
Turntable is Project-Genie3,speakers are lame Klipsch & amp has changed twice,first was a Primaluna,don’t know what the latest is...
Harvey's dad was quite the jazz musician in his day.  There was a whole plot line a few seasons ago built around Harvey's search for lost tapes of his dad's music. The entire right hand wall of Harvey's office is all vintage LPs.  In a specific episode after a strenuous day, Harvey pours himself some mega buck scotch and sits to listen to Coltrane.  Jessica walks into his office to talk to him and he just puts up his hand to shush her.  He just had to hear the end  of the song.