Suggestions for Digital and Analog Connections?

Hi All,

I’ve learned a lot from many of you in building my HiFi System.  I’m on the final stretch for my current build (notice I didn’t say “I’m almost done”- I’ve come to recognize that I’ll be chasing the dragon forever) and could benefit from some input.  Unexpectedly, I really like Roon so bought an Apple Mini and have an Auralic Aries G2.1 en route.  It will be connecting to an Aavik D280 DAC.  I need connections both to and from the DAC, which is limited to USB-B or digital coax in and RCA out.  Any opinions on USB v coax? Product recommendations for these or RCA cables?  No set budget, would be great if I could take care of this well for $2K or under but I can adjust if necessary. 



USB gets bashed a lot by those selling competing products. A lot of work has gone into audiophile USB. A lot of $100K systems use USB. I am very happy with it (in my <$100k system). I did spend $200 on a nice USB cable from my Innous Zenith MK3 streamer to my Dave DAC.

Lots of good RCA cables out there. Audio Envy is an affordable one. I build my own with KLEI connectors and mundorf wire braided.

I don't know Apple but I assume the mini will be your Roon Core?  I recommend installing ROCK, always stable.  



I did the comparison when I had an Auralic Aries G1 streamer between USB and AES/EBU and the USB sounded better. The cables were Audience AU24SE+ USB and Fadel AES/EBU. Definitely not apples to apples but take it for what it’s worth. 

I would recommend using an iFi SPDIF iPurifier with a coax connection before the coax input of your DAC.

As for brand of cables my personal preference would be Mapleshade

My budget preference would be Pangea.

USB vs Coax... Depends. Cable sensitive too.

You are advised to try whatever you can.

Start with cheap cables on both so you can A-B.

I did that on one setup and coax wire does way better SQ than Toslink glass. USB about tween.