Suggestions for Digital and Analog Connections?

Hi All,

I’ve learned a lot from many of you in building my HiFi System.  I’m on the final stretch for my current build (notice I didn’t say “I’m almost done”- I’ve come to recognize that I’ll be chasing the dragon forever) and could benefit from some input.  Unexpectedly, I really like Roon so bought an Apple Mini and have an Auralic Aries G2.1 en route.  It will be connecting to an Aavik D280 DAC.  I need connections both to and from the DAC, which is limited to USB-B or digital coax in and RCA out.  Any opinions on USB v coax? Product recommendations for these or RCA cables?  No set budget, would be great if I could take care of this well for $2K or under but I can adjust if necessary. 



Showing 1 response by fuzztone

USB vs Coax... Depends. Cable sensitive too.

You are advised to try whatever you can.

Start with cheap cables on both so you can A-B.

I did that on one setup and coax wire does way better SQ than Toslink glass. USB about tween.