Stupid class A question

I have a Sugden a21 integrated amp in my second system (my first class A) and I love the sound but I don't play it much in the summer due to the heat. Since it can be used as a preamp, if I get an amplifier, will the Sugden still produce as much heat if it's being used as a preamp? Thanks in advance.


More like what it draws in heat. Probably 250-watt light bulb or so. Most of the heat in class A is wasted but worth it to me. 


Regarding the Krell KSA 250. True, it was only class A up to 28 watts, but it still ran very hot even at idle.

Probably more. The only time Class A does notgenerate heat is when the power goes to the speakers instead. 

(Or maybe a water cooled dummy load.)

The krell ksa 250 is not class A to full power, only up to about 28 watts or so.

A friend of mine had a Krell KSA-250 class A amp. It ran about as hot as any class A amp I have seen. After about 10 years it needed major repair from so many internal parts having severe heat damage. Althogh a lot of people would think that's a pretty long life for a class A amp.l


You have a true class A amp.  Any amp that claims to be class and and doesn't make a lot of heat is not class A.

Most likely yes. Class A amps produce heat regardless if a signal is passing through and in many cases the current (and heat) at idle is greater than the full volume current going to the speakers.

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