Studio Electric m4


Anyone own this speaker?   I'm thinking of replacing the Omega S.A.M. in my second system with a conventional speaker.  I really like the Omega but miss the sparkle and air a tweeter brings...   They sound very good and are easy to listen to , no fatigue but at the expense of some top end.  




The M4 are really special.    I fell in love with them after just a few hours of listening.    Exactly what I was looking for in a compact speaker.   

Build quality is excellent.  Amazing quality and quantity of bass.   Extremely well balanced.  Sound big and scale well for a tiny speaker.   Just a great speaker.  

I ended up buying the M4.   Should have them in a week or so.   Could not find one negative word about them.   Dan Wright personally owns a pair and often demos his gear at shows with Studio Electric.  

Why not just set a pair of Fostex super tweeter on top of your SAMs? Madisound has them pretty cheap.

I agree with your thinking of trying something else.  I had 3 different Omega models in use at different times over a 20 year period and it was the CAMs that I was the least satisfied with.  Good with acoustic music, but just meh to these ears with anything else.

Unfortunately, I don't know from the Studio Electrics, so I can't help you there.  

In the same price range, I might look at the PSA monitors or the Legacy Studios.  Good stuff out there about these from Chesky Audio.

