Streamer upgrade? follow up.

I posted the first part of this earlier in the week. There are a few other threads running concurrently here about this same subject.This is my personal experience with this situation.Ive been using a Aurender A100 streamer/dac which is they’re entry level unit, the SQ wasn’t horrible but I was pretty sure I could get it better.In a attempt to do that I purchased a Denafrips Pontus two and a DhLabs Mirage Usb cable to use with the A100 utilizing its Usb out.The two local hi fi dealers here in SO Cal both told me this would not produce much of an result and in my opinion after trying it they were both correct. So… as I stated in the first post I was coming from a “bit is bits” perspective which was I was convinced adding a better Dac would accomplish my goals, I just couldn’t believe that the zeros and ones  could possibly effect the quality of sound. But not being one to give up I decided in for penny in for a pound Id see for myself if there was anything to the other side of this conversation, I wanted a new toy for Xmas anyway.So I traded my A100 plus some cash to TMR ( nice people btw) for a shiny new Aurender N200 which arrived yesterday. Last night the moment of truth, I hooked up the new unit with the exact same everything as before in my system nothing different but the streamer.I let the tubes and everything else warm up for a few hours,picked a song I knew inside and out sat down and pressed play. Immediately within the first few notes of the Stones “ Wild Horses “ I knew I had made the right choice and that I was wrong believing  bits are bits “. I really don’t have adequate language to describe the difference in sound quality other than to say I feel like Im in someone else’s home listening to they’re far superior system, its that drastic.I can with complete confidence say this has got to be one of if not the most significant upgrades Ive made in my system, scouts honor!              PS. Grinin ear to ear here.                                                            


The OP is on well worn path, streamer, network and dac upgrades, and then you upgrade the upgrades, welcome to streaming!

i borrowed a Denafrips Pontus from a my dealer yesterday.  i hooked up to my Bluesound Node 2i via coax and streamed via Roon.  not impressed.  the unit i was told had less than 20 hours on it.  ok.  i than connected the Pontus via coax to my Oppo player and played some flac. files.  holy C.  could be the Node is not up to par with the Deneafrips Pontus 2.  or that i may have to upgrade to the newer Node that has USB output?  i have heard also that it takes hours for the caps in the Pontus to fully charge?  doubt if i will find a streamer under a grand that will do the Pontus justice.  the Ares 2 was just find with the Node 2i

ok. I admit I "KIND OF" skimmed the responses.    Isnt the N200 a network player???     what DAC are you using? (again I admit it might be noted there and I missed it)

Ahem….the OP has had his new toy for 24 hrs….the infatuation phase. Y’all are lapping up a giddy reaction like it was some new Stereophile Class A Recommended product. 

$6K for just a streamer head? You effing kidding me? 

FWIW, I took a 5V Teddy Pardo LPS into a Bluesound Node and then went USB into a Pontus II and it is about $1,000 and can’t imagine a much cleaner result. 

then it goes to a new Linear Tube Audio Z40 int amp and some Dynaudio Heritage Specials and I am in heaven.


and can’t imagine a much cleaner result.

I think that's a common reaction to new upgrades, but the fact of the matter is that there's always something better.

I considered an LPS for my Node but ended up getting a different streamer and I still can't believe how much better it is than the Node.