Streamer upgrade? follow up.

I posted the first part of this earlier in the week. There are a few other threads running concurrently here about this same subject.This is my personal experience with this situation.Ive been using a Aurender A100 streamer/dac which is they’re entry level unit, the SQ wasn’t horrible but I was pretty sure I could get it better.In a attempt to do that I purchased a Denafrips Pontus two and a DhLabs Mirage Usb cable to use with the A100 utilizing its Usb out.The two local hi fi dealers here in SO Cal both told me this would not produce much of an result and in my opinion after trying it they were both correct. So… as I stated in the first post I was coming from a “bit is bits” perspective which was I was convinced adding a better Dac would accomplish my goals, I just couldn’t believe that the zeros and ones  could possibly effect the quality of sound. But not being one to give up I decided in for penny in for a pound Id see for myself if there was anything to the other side of this conversation, I wanted a new toy for Xmas anyway.So I traded my A100 plus some cash to TMR ( nice people btw) for a shiny new Aurender N200 which arrived yesterday. Last night the moment of truth, I hooked up the new unit with the exact same everything as before in my system nothing different but the streamer.I let the tubes and everything else warm up for a few hours,picked a song I knew inside and out sat down and pressed play. Immediately within the first few notes of the Stones “ Wild Horses “ I knew I had made the right choice and that I was wrong believing  bits are bits “. I really don’t have adequate language to describe the difference in sound quality other than to say I feel like Im in someone else’s home listening to they’re far superior system, its that drastic.I can with complete confidence say this has got to be one of if not the most significant upgrades Ive made in my system, scouts honor!              PS. Grinin ear to ear here.                                                            


Showing 7 responses by sns

The OP is on well worn path, streamer, network and dac upgrades, and then you upgrade the upgrades, welcome to streaming!

Totally ignorant statement, sounds like some hostility towards Asian products here. The individuals here using the better/best streamers are those with the most experience.


By the way, wonderful streaming and audio products come from all over this world, my system is equal opportunity, and I'm certainly experiencing the results of artisan's expertise from all over the globe!

In all the time I've been on various audiophile forums don't recall a single instance of audiophile subjectivist going over to the dark side. Can't even begin to tell you how many moved in opposite direction.


I'd like to see a single documented case of someone going from audiophile streamer to general service computer used as streamer and preferring it. And if its all one and zeros why even use anything other than any old laptop, can't imagine anything more convenient.

I'm not going to get into the moral implications of privilege, I'd estimate all of us audiophiles in top tier here, level of guilt subjective.


I do believe value for money is valid question, personally, I don't see parts and assembly costs of off the shelf streamers to be value proposition. I'm DIY kind of person, so utility one of most important considerations. Business models for off the shelf don't provide me with equivalent utility vs my research, labor time, but that's just me.


Bottom line, each individual undertakes their own cost benefit analysis, vast majority of individuals using high end streamers find them to be worth it, who am I or anyone to question that. Objectively, great variability in streamers, observationally, sound quality correlates with price,  and my own experience mirrors that.

South Korea, and most Asian countries for that matter have thriving middle class, seems we have income issues here based on citizen discontent I observe.

@niodari I've been diy building/assembling desktop computers, modding mac minis for music server exclusive duty for many years. Also was in midst of researching and planning building/assembling an extremely high end bespoke streamer, which didn't pan out as I was provided with opportunity to purchase a custom build that pretty much replicated what I was intending to build. The bespoke streamer contains $4k worth of parts plus cost of subscription to Euphony OS. Add $6K for LPS to power it.  I can tell you very factually vast majority of off the shelf don't come close to this. One can open up any of these streamers and determine the exact cost of these components, vast majority use  parts you or I could purchase. Some use custom build motherboards, but even those aren't that expensive, I'd estimate $1k in internal parts for many. Keep in mind one isn't paying for parts alone, enclosures, R&D for seamless use and optimizing OS, and proprietary music players if offered. At the top end, add nice power supplies, proper rendering, even more R&D, there is good reason the Taiko Extreme, Wadax, Aurender, Innuos, etc. best streamers cost big bucks. One then needs to add in business model costs, distribution, dealer markups, etc.


Bottom line, each individual has to determine cost/value proposition. Many things other than cost of internal parts enters equation. DIY will require one's own R&D, many hours labor, hassles, steep learning curve, no warranties, may not be any technical help, more things I'm probably forgetting. I'd never claim off the shelf to be ripoff, diy not for faint of heart!

@bikeboy52 I too am amazed at how some of the low margin, meaning relatively lower or sanely priced manufacturers stay in business. They need to move quantity in order to survive, can't figure out how you move quantity with audiophiles being such a rare breed. My sense is the really high end manufacturers charging big bucks have much higher profit margins, many costs are fixed regardless of component price. The added costs, such as superior parts, greater R&D efforts are proportionally less to total cost of component. The highest end audio also tends to sell itself, at least once reputation is attained. Also, less competition, perhaps no competition for the truly bespoke component means one can charge whatever market will bear.


So, in a way, if above is true, the highest end components offer the least value for money, however, if they do something truly unique value is virtually unmeasurable.


I'm involved in family business, we're lucky in that we've established a reputation after forty years in business. We had to really work for business years ago, now we can't keep up with orders. Good luck with your business!