Story problem

Four audiophiles leave Portland driving 60 mph to visit Miller in Redmond. Well at least they drive 60 mph when they can. There's traffic. There's Starbucks. There's bladders. They text from Olympia which is like an hour away, and its an hour and a half later. So the question is, what time did they arrive at Mike Lavigne's?

Showing 3 responses by mikelavigne



it was a pleasure to finally meet you and fun hanging with you and the gang from Portland. sorry you had to leave early, you missed some reel to reel tape the others seemed to enjoy. next time you visit i’ll play those for you. hope it’s soon. thank you for the kind comments.


If anyone can figure out what oldhvymec was saying, and what it had to do with miller's thread, please clue me in.

there was a post deleted. it appears to be after oldhvymec's post but possible triggered his post.
Social distancing in effect?

they did drive a distance to be social.

i had an unopened sleeve of masks which i offered to everyone.

and Millercarbon was our medical professional on hand.

so all the important bases were covered.