Stack Audio-SmoothLAN Network Filter- WOW!

I just received this item that I purchased from Stack Audio after being impressed with the AUVA 100 Speaker footers.

For any of the Audio Streamers out there, my initial comment as to this item: The SmoothLAN Network Filter is WOW!

From first plug in, the soundstage deepened and widened immensely. How the heck this occurs is nothing short of amazing. I have tried many of the major brand ethernet filters, and some of them, maybe, did something. But not enough to keep them. I either sent them back or sold them. I did however keep an iFi Silencer unit.

My digital streaming consists of an EtherRegen sending out the signal via Fiber to my Lumin X1. I have the Stack Audio device going into the EtherRegen from the Modem.

And, since I have my Apple TV coming out of the EtherRegen it will be interesting to see if the Video improves.

Check out the review in EAR.

Stack Audio Smooth-LAN For Clean Streaming | The Ear (



Hi @maxwave 

Actually, it may be me who has my terms mixed up...I think you're correct in that there is an SFP in both the Cisco switch, and the Lumin U2.  Both devices have the port that 'houses' the SFP.  Does that make sense?

At any rate, I run a 30' length of dual optical cable to get the internet into the streamer.  Gives the system galvanic isolation.  And it's sounding pretty sweet.   :-)

Best, JAMES.

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My apologies (again!), I think I 'optical' cable, I mean 'fibre optic' cable.  It is a standard dual fibre optic cable that runs from the Cisco to the Lumin U2 (via SFP modules).  Does that make more sense?

And, yes, it is a 30' run from the switch (in another room) to the streamer.  Fibre optic cable can be run in long lengths with no signal loss.  And, of course, they are not sensitive to electronic/magnetic fields.

Best, JAMES.

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I'm really enjoying my Stack Audio SmoothLan. Have it placed before my Uptone Audio EtherRegen.

Agree with comments about Josh from Stack Audio. He provides exemplary service (therefore total customer satisfaction).

So, excellent service.

Concern and remedies if there ever are problems (only with my country's postal service, in my case).

A money back guarantee.

And to top it off, the products are superb. 


I’m glad I can help you spend your money! LOL!


Congrats, I hope you enjoy it like I do.


Where does your ethernet signal originate from? If it’s from a modem/router like mine it has a few extra ethernet openings. Just thinking, perhaps, you can run your computer system off of one of those. And, are you connecting to your modem wirelessly?


Hi @ozzy 

Yes, my internet modem/router does have an extra ethernet port available, only thing is, part of the reason I bought the Cisco switch was because it has a fibre port — allowing me to use the fibre port on the Lumin U2 without any other external devices in the chain.

While it’s true that I could run a separate audio copper run (and hookup a SmoothLAN in the process), it would defeat the benefit (assuming there is one) of utilizing the fibre input on the Lumin.

And at this point, it would be an experiment, (and maybe not one I need undertake…) given that I’m really enjoying the current setup. Of course, one never knows until one tries, haha…

Oh the joys of audiophilia!



Can't you use the extra ethernet port on your Modem for your computer and then use the other port with a SmoothLan into the Cisco unit and then fiber out to the Lumin?


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Hey @ozzy 

That's an interesting idea, one that I had not considered.  Might be worth trying as an experiment.

One question for you -- before you tried the SmoothLAN, were you happy with your network Audio SQ?  Or did you feel there was something missing, thus prompting the move to the SmoothLAN?  At this moment in my journey, I'm liking the setup I have quite well, and wonder if I need to experiment any more -- or just enjoy the music?

I realize that statement is probably antithetical to the audiophile raison d'être, haha!

Best, JAMES.

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Funny, just looked in my 'tickle trunk' of cast-off gear, and found/remembered that I still have a MarkerTek Gigabit Media Converter (converts RJ45 to fibre // used it before I got the Cisco switch).  So I could proceed as you suggested, and use the converter with the SmoothLAN, and still go fibre straight to the Lumin.

Hmmm.  Very tempting!

Best, JAMES.

I received my Smooth Lan yesterday. Didn’t get to plug it in until I finished work, so about 4:30, so didn’t listen much.

The SL was slotted in between my LHY SW8 switch and Innuos Zen Mini mkiii, replacing the Network Acoustics ENO.

I kept the Network Acoustics streaming cable in place between the LHY and SL, and used the short cable that came with the SL to connect it to the Zen. Everything else in my system is unchanged.

Apart from bass, all other aspects seemed enhanced; I’m not sure if the SL is creating a blacker background than the ENO, but I am perceiving more clarity/greater sense of 3D in the soundstage.

Bass seems to have decreased somewhat, but this is literally playing after first plugging the SL in. I’ve left the streamer running overnight and will leave it doing so 24/7, and hopefully will do some proper listening over the coming weekend.

My initial thoughts are that the SL is more pleasing to me than the ENO (which is around 3x the cost of the SL), but it’s early days and will give it some more time, and hopefully the bass will return.

@painter24 Eno Streaming System in was too much of a good thing in my setup as it mellowed out dynamics, clarity and excitement. The effect was the same when using it with 2 different streamers. I ended up selling it.   

The eno is discontinued so it’ll be very interesting to hear how the eno2 compares, which I gather arrives in a couple of weeks. 

@audphile1 I feel that's what I am hearing now I've contrasted the two units; the ENO is downplaying dynamics compared to the SL. Honestly, I enjoyed my system with the ENO, and was engaged by it, but the SL, albeit on a short initial comparison, is giving me more

I'll be swapping out the Network Acoustics streaming cable over the weekend as well, for the DH Labs Ethernet cable between switch and SL to see if there's any difference there. 

@teknorob23 ah ok, thanks for this. I knew the ENO was no longer available but didn't know there was a new version in the pipeline. Don't think I'll be trying it though; the ENO was around £700+, £900+ with the NA streaming cable; no doubt the ENO 2 will be similarly priced.

After the SL, my plan is for the Auva 70's for my speakers, and more Auva EQ's for my components (have the EQ's under my DAC to good effect)


I did think my internet connection and sound quality was fine. But once I added the SmoothLan the soundstage deepened quite a lot. So, there is still something (noise?) that can be improved.



I also thought that the bass was reduced somewhat initially. But after using it now for a quite a while I don't. I think it is because the soundstage and dynamics hit you so much that that is what you first notice.

BTW, I gulp..., will be getting a second SmoothLan to try them in tandem. I hope it is not over-kill, but we shall see...uhm, hear.


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I just received my 2nd SmoothLan. I will be connecting these back-to-back.

Stay tuned...


Ozzy or anyone else-  How long does it take for these to ship.  I ordered mine last Wed and received an email from Josh confirming but nothing since?  Do they send you tracking/shipping info?  Thanks

Thanks @ozzy 

I guess one never knows until one knows.  :-)

I think I'm going to do a few tests here on my network, and await a few more folks' responses once they get the SL in their system, before deciding whether to take the plunge.

Thanks again for your insights.  Much appreciated.

Best, JAMES.

Josh responded to my shipping update email and said that their new fulfillment service had a glitch and all orders after mine were filled but mine was not.  He also informed me now black was not in stock but he could immediately send silver Fedex. I asked when my preferred black was back in stock and he informed me by next Tues ( no big deal) and he would give me 40 Euro credit for their error.  Point being, Stack’s Josh is super responsive with communication and immediately solved  my minor issue with professionalism.  Great customer service!



Since , it seems that I am out of topics for this thread , I decided to delete my posts .



@tksteingraber your experience with Josh/Stack Audio matches mine withe 2 purchases I've made with them so far. It's great to see.

Just a quick update on my SL; I swapped the Network Acoustics streaming cable for my DH Lab Reunion after work, between LHY SW8 switch and the SL. Yep, better again. As per @audphile1 even though I've enjoyed the ENO, I have been missing something I didn't realize I was. SL makes the ENO seem a little, I don't know ...dull maybe?

I'm surprised how much of a positive difference there's been (to me at least) between the ENO system and the SmoothLan, especially considering the gulf between their respective prices 

Ok guys I have had the 2 SmoothLan in line now for 24 hours.

At first, I noticed the deeper soundstage, but the images seemed midrangy if that can be a word? I was concerned that it was over-kill.

I have always been a proponent of cable break in, but ethernet filter breakin in? I can just image all the ASR people rolling their eyes. But I hear a much richer soundstage today than I did yesterday.

And... I can now attest that as good as the original is, the added 2nd SmoothLan does indeed add more to the depth and realism. Perhaps not double as compared to just the one, but still significant.


So previously I posted that I just added another SmoothLan. I have 2 of them running back-to-back and then into my EtherRegen which then outputs fiber to my Lumin X1.

This is really revelatory! The sound is so pure, and the bass notes are really defined and powerful. The singers, guitars etc. are clearly defined but natural. I cannot detect anything negative.

Stack Audio should market a double version, it is that much of an improvement. I think I’ll send Josh a message.

I guess the only drawback is you gotta buy 2.


@ozzy can you explain exactly how you have the two connected? Is one connected into the other or are they separated by a cord or device? Curious🤔

Straight out of the box cold, I agree wholeheartedly with "WOW".  Space, a more forward presentation, greater tonality and more presence.  So easy to hear this pleasing sonic change.  This Uber cheap filter had the same impact in my system as the much more expensive Soace Tech super rectifier.

@jaymark Glad to hear and I am now really looking forward to mine arriving.  I also have an STR and that was a revelation in SQ improvement.  Can you provide the set up chain you are using?  Many Thanks!


The SmoothLan comes with a short cat 8 cable. The input comes from my modem with a short cat 8 cable connected to the first SmoothLan, then I have the output of that unit connected via another short cat 8 cable to the input of another SmoothLan. Then from that unit a short cat 8 cable is connected to my EtherRegen.

I hope that helps.


Okay, I'm encouraged by the accounts of @ozzy ​​​​@jaymark, and have figured out a couple different ways to use the SmoothLAN in my network (thanks Ozzy) -- so I've placed my order!

Will report back when it is installed.



@ozzy  Thanks that is exactly what I was interested in confirming.  Do you use an external clock or lps on your etherregen?

@ozzy did the clock make a noticeable difference that you would buy it again?  I am thinking about adding an ER and AD clock.  Thanks

You know I bought the EtherRegen and the clock as a package deal and have never used the EtherRegen without the clock. So sorry I can neither recommend or not its use.

Perhaps see if you can try it with a return policy.


Maybe I can help out: I added an Antelope clock to the Etherregen and there was a significant impact on clarity and attack/decay. I use Sommercables best video BNC cable which actually in my case outperforms a Shunyata Sigma clock cable. The impact of different cables is very audible and I’d recommend the shortest possible run


Can you provide a link to the Antelope clock you are using. I just did a search and the ones I looked at are really expensive.


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It‘s called the Antelope Audiophile 10M clock and helas is expensive. I also modified the power supply running it off a Sean Jacobs DC 3/4 PSU.

@ozzy Thanks anyway…I couldn’t pass it up and I  bought a used 2021 ER bundle that includes the ER, After Dark Clock, AD dual LPS to power the ER and Clock, and AD BNC Clock cable.  Been looking at ER’s for a while.  Sorry for getting off topic- my bad bringing up the ER clock etc..Look forward to hearing the  Smooth LAN when it arrives.


You’re ok with the post. Sounds like you’re ready. I would be interested in your opinion on the usage of the clock. Will you be running fiber out of the EtherRegen?


$7000 for the clock! Holy Cow! I have never ventured much into the clock realm. Do you find it really helps?


@ozzy Thanks. Is the optical port an in or out or both? 

I was planning to run optical from a FMC to the A side of the ER then ethernet to my streamer. My Bricasti streamer doesn’t have an optical input just ethernet. How do you go from the ER directly to your Lumin with optical? I thought the A side optical slot was just input not an out. B side only has ethernet. Still learning here.

@ozzy disregard my question I just read you can reverse the B side to input and A side to output if your endpoint has optical input.  Nice flexibility👍.  So much to learn.


It clocks my Etherregen, Dac and UIP 1 Pro USB processor and having the whole chain reclocked in my case was very beneficial. YMMV