Speaker toe in

Has anyone heard of The Tannoy Method used for speaker tie in? I have a picture I wish I could upload showing this method used on some Acoustic Research speakers. The speakers are toed in quite a bit past the listening axis. Is there a benefit? One person claims it take the room out of the equation. Thoughts?
So this doesn't make the soundstage laterally narrower??

If you mean the quality of the perceived image, this is a good trade-off.

Ideally, you'd be listening in a much wider room, allowing you to point the tweeters straight ahead, and you could listen in between them, but if the room is your problem, this is a possible compromise.

However, if you mean the listening location, well,  yeah, very much so, but you are in a narrow room anyway for you to consider this setup.
Very interesting! I’m trying to dial a larger speaker in a smaller room with Cape Cod ceilings. I have an older pair of B&W 801’s S3. These speakers perform unbelievably well in a larger room where I once had them. Since then I purchased a pair of Ariel Acoustics #9’s which is being used in that system. I’m not willing to part with the 801’s and this is why I’m still searching different avenues to get the best sound I can get from them in their new space. The 801’s don’t sound horrible but I know their potential and don’t believe I’m anywhere near it or probably will get to it in this room. I have acoustic panels set up behind the speakers on the back wall and ant the first reflection points. I saw a pic of a room at a show with this Tannoy set up and thought I’d throw it out to the community to get thoughts from the experts lol!
Duke, that was an interesting explanation of toe-in effects. I'm using a pair of KEF Ref 1s with Uni-Q drivers previously aimed straight forward in a 14’ X 19’ room with bookcases and hanging art, but now I’m trying toe-in aimed just behind the centered listening position. Not certain which I prefer. Do you have any suggestions for toe-in with Uni-Q drivers?

The Ref 1s are superb for the chamber and jazz music I prefer, but seem lack the slam my KEF Ref 107/2s had for large orchestrations. I suppose it’s trade-off.

Yep, that’s how I toe-in my speakers. I also use corner placement and sealed bookshelves. In a sense, I don’t really have sidewalls. There’s an article somewhere online that talks about this. The guy talks about how he went from a heavily treated room with a traditional speaker setup to a corner placement and it sounded better without any treatment.