Speaker recommendation for mc452 and C2600

Recently upgraded from ma6600 to mc452 and c2600. (about 3 weeks ago) Not happy with the new sound I'm getting. 
I have vienna acoustics Mozart grands and REL S5 set up in my basement dedicated theater room.

I listen mostly to classical, piano and symphony. 
This is my second system, I kept the ma6600 paired with mcd550 and VA bach speakers in the living room. 

The sound Im getting is less detailed, lacking lower end control and overall very bright and unpleasant highs. Definite listening fatigue after about half hour.  

Do I need to upgrade my speakers? I feel my speakers are the weakest component in my system. What would you recommend for my music tastes and 6-8k range, new or used. I'm thinking I should avoid rear ported design as I need to place them close to the wall. Also, aesthetics are very important, that is why I picked VA initially. 
If you are experiencing an overall very bright sound and unpleasant highs, it is not your Vienna Acoustics Mozart Grand speakers. They are a very warm non fatiguing speaker.
What is your budget for the speakers ?
This Monitor Audio are amazing for classical music :


The Proac Response D48R are really stunning speakers for any kind of music with its ribbon tweeters and dual professional studio drivers.


This past year I've acquired a C22 reissue and some Klipsch La Scalla IIs. I use the C22 as a phono pre and as a buffer between a Rega DAC and my BAT VK300SE integrated. Got to say the Klipsch are amazing! These are my first horns in 40+ years and I feel like I'm scratching the surface as far as getting the most from them.
Very impressed with Dynaudio, especially c4 platinum. Also looking at Focal, B&W and Sonus faber. Which would be best for classical? I read that diamond tweeter in BW is not ideal. What about magnepan? My local dealer insists they're good for just about any music and best value. Why are these so cheap relative to other high end stuff? I wish I could listen to these before buying, not much choice in Upstate new york
Seriously though to answer your question...Based on your Classical music tastes I think you should consider some Martin Logan electrostatic speakers like the Classic ESL 9 , or Impression series, your Mac equipment will drive them no problem. Also, Dynaudio speakers would be amazing with high powered amps like the MC452. Good luck, I'm excited for you!



Matt M
I actually created a new room in my basement, so room acoustics are different for sure. I thought it would be different in a positive way, the room is more insulated with carpets, sofa, book shelf. Nothing on the walls though. I know about the break in period, but don't expect the sound to change that much.  Maybe it's the placement of speakers that caused this change. Whatever it is, the speakers sound much worse with the new equipment. I agree, my speakers seem to be in a different league compared to my Mcintosh gear. 

Your new Mac gear needs at least 100 to 200 hours run in period before breaking in to its optimum, my Mac pre/dac sounded horrible at the first weeks very bright and harsh .
Maybe Mac and Vienna Acoustics are not a match from heaven but if I were you before making any decisions would allow a run in period.however your speakers and your new Mac are not at the same league you’ll have probably to upgrade your speakers I suggest to consider the Proac Response D48R .

You have good gear, consider Focal 1038's to match with it. I know a guy that may have a minty pair for sale. 😊
Just making sure, but you didn't change any room acoustics or furniture at the same time, right?

I have the 425 driving PSB T-3.  I love it.  Unfortunately the T-3 are ported.  They are approximately 27 inches from the back wall.