Speaker Cable Wireworld vs Straightwire

Hi all,

Looking for some input on the difference in sound between the Wireworld models III, III+, 5 against the Straightwire Crescendo, Crescendo II.

Thanks to all in advance.

If you would care to listen to this:
A speaker cable is a component that can and should be calculated. I can do that for you.
What is required is the Amps' DF and the cable's length.
That would result in the thickness of the cable (# awg).
That's all that matters.
The rest is insignificunt (but to those who make a living by selling cables with snake oil).

It was the cable designer who left Straightwire and started WireWorld.

If possible get this 6/7 or 8 series WW which are significant improvements over the earlier models
I love my Straightwire and their customer service but never heard of Wireworld.