Speaker Cable for Merlin TSM-MM

Dear All
Does anyone have any recommendations for speaker cable for use with the Merlin TSM-MM monitors. I have been recommended the Audience Au 24 speaker cable but would be interested in other suggestions which may also be a cheaper option. I currently use a solid state amp and I am considering upgrading the pre-amp to an Audiopax in the future (if I have the money!) if this helps.
Many thanks in advance.
If you listen to Stereovox, I'm sure they will stay for a long time. I have had CGR and AU24.
Another cheaper alternative to the Audience: Speltz Anti-cables. The Antis, if tightly twisted together, are very similar to the Au24: The Antis are slightly fuller with slightly larger images, a slightly deeper soundstage. The Au got across more details and had slightly better microdynamics and timing.

I went back in forth over a couple of months in two different systems and in the end decided that I could not justify the cost of the Au24 in my affordable system. Your experience might differ but the Anti are worth checking out. Also, if you do a search on the archive you will find that several people liked both the Au24 and Anti and quite often replaced the Au24 with Anticables.

Anyway, good luck!

Thanks again. I think I will go with the Audience cable but as for the pre-amp that is another issue; current contenders are Joule LA 150, Berning ZH270, CAT, BAT (not sure which models) and Audiopax Model 5.
I very recently purchased Merlin VSM-MX with BAM speakers. I intended to drive them with my Parasound JC-1 mono amps (400wpc ss). I suspected this might not be a great match but it only took a short time to confirm my suspicions. Coincidently, a friend just loaned me his Joule VZN 80 tube stereo amp he had sitting around. Can you believe it? WOW! This is a match made in heaven.
I can't get over the difference in presentation. Musicality in spades.
I'm presently using AU-24 speaker cable and temporarily using Acoustic Zen Silver Ref. II ICs on my CDP and TT that I had left over before I did a major upgrade. AZs are terrific ICs but I've been told that the Merlins seem to like copper ICs better.
I third the TG Audio speaker cables recommendation. Less than 1/2 the cost of Golden Ref (I use all Gold Ref ICs) and a little better sounding, to my ear. More solid and open at the same time. I fully agree with Mattybumpkin as regards Audience. Tried them before the TGs and found the AU24s a bit lean and slightly etched in the upper mids/lower highs.
I have Merlin TSM-MX's with Joule LA150, VZN-100's, and Cardas Golden Reference IC's and speaker wires. Bobby strongly recommended 3m length CGR in single wire used with his supplied Cardas jumpers. I ended up with an internal biwire 3m set that has the smaller gauge for high end and larger for low end. These worked out very well and they sound extremely smooth throughout.
I use Signal Cable Silver Reference with my VSM-Ms and I am very happy so far and they haven't broken in yet!
Ridge Street Audio Poiema ! sp cable with VSM-MM speakers.Also RSA Poiema!! XLR ICs,balanced BAM between Audio Aero Prima Mk II cd player (newest version)and Gryphon Callisto 2100 int amp.

So who said ss amps and Merlins dont work .... ?? :-)
I run my TSM-MX with Signal Cable, Double Run Single wire, along with the jumpers, with great success. They have a 30 day return policy, so you can't go wrong. Call or email Frank @ Signal, very pleasant to speak to.
Good luck!

I second the TG Audio HSR speaker cables. Having run them with my TSM-MM and later TSM-MX's, I can tell you they are a match made in heaven.......with a SS amp, no less.

Thanks everyone for your replies. In relation to using Merlin with SS, I didn't think this would be an issue but it is good to know. Has anyone here used Audiopax amps (either Model 5 preamp or the power amps) with Merlin speakers as this is possibly my next upgrade path?
Careful with Merlin and SS. U may be in for a more analytical ride than u can stand.
I use Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval on my VSM-MMs, with excellent and reasonably affordable results.
In my all tube set-up I use TG Audio silver with great success. The late Bob Crump could really create some great cables.

Not sure how they would work in your set up though. I think they would be OK, a little fuller than the AU24 with no glare or etch at all. The Audience are a good choice though.
