Speaker Cable Bi-Wire Jumper Break-in

For those who believe...does it typically take as long for bi-wire jumpers to break-in as the full length cables, same brand/model?  just curious.  Thanks 
People who believe there is no break in hear none because your brain
maintains a stasis as job # 1 .
My full length cables took 118 hours 36 seconds. Will that change jumpier time ebm?
Yup, 50 hours or so, sometimes more, sometimes less, but they do sound differently after a while.
Thanks stereo5. How did that compare to breakin time for main speaker cables?
@jl35 …………………………………………………………

Yes, they do sound better after break in.  In my case, about 50 hours.
Not looking to debate jumpers. I’ve made that decision based on experience. Was simply curious if those who experienced speaker cable breakin improvements noticed same with jumpers. 
I’ve always noticed different jumpers sound different. My Dali speakers use excellent internal wire   I had a set of cables made from the same wire 
Honestly, a few inches of wire will have ZERO effect on SQ. Look inside your speakers and you will see lots of so-so wire connecting the crossovers and drivers! 
I save some time by sticking my jumpers directly into an electrical socket first.  Just like roasting marshmallows, the key is to get a nice golden crust on them but not allowing them to ignite and get charred. ;-)  Nobody likes a burnt jumper.

(and yes, I'm joking....)