Sound proofing floor

I'm in a condo and my downstairs neighbor can hear my music. I'm looking into putting a sound barrier over the cement floor and under the carpet. Has anyone had to do this and can point me toward products I can use?


A 6" to 8" concrete floor is a very unusually thick amount of concrete! However, if that is correct, your sound may find its way down through the walls instead. I find it hard to believe it would go through 8" of concrete. The only sound that would are the very low frequencies through vibrations, but that's it. You need to find out what frequencies they can hear.

I'm not a soundproofing expert but was a home improvement contractor for 45 years. I had a job once remodeling a funeral home that had offices on the second floor. I hired a professional to soundproof the second floor thinking he was only going to do the ceiling of the first floor. Well the mechanic said he would have to come down the walls of the first floor about 2 ft. as well otherwise the soundproofing wouldn't work. As others have mentioned above, the sound does transfer from the floor through the walls below. 

Mass loaded vinyl is the shiznit. I have used it to soundproof a ceiling from the living room above and I have used it to soundproof the family room below my room. Just lay it down and put your vinyl flooring right over it. Not cheap, but very effective. Now, in my rooms I was also able to fully insulate as well. 

I have considered it on the wall between my bedroom and the living room in present house. Works well.


ceiling in this situation:


floor in this situation:


My first thought, is you must be playing your music way to loud for anything but maybe some bass to pass through 6”-8” of concrete or it’s traveling through the walls. However, my subwoofer used to rattle the windows and AC vents until I bought four washing machine isolation feet from Amazon for like $20 and an 18”X18” piece of floor tile to go on top of my carpeted floor.  Worked like a charm. I did something similar with my speakers. I bought some Isoacoustics Gaia isolation feet and couple pieces of 1” thick granite, also on top of the carpeted floor .  They made a huge difference!