Soulution 511 vs. Luxman m900

looking a two amp options similar power rating. Soulution 511 vs. Luxman m900. Any thoughts, experiences?

I suggest you ask the Soulution 511 seller and the Luxman m900 seller, if repair shops are in the USA if needed. We hope repairs are not needed but you never know.  My friend had to ship his non working Soulution amp to Switzerland at his expense.  Please review how these amps get repaired, if needed.  

There are some healthy music forums, but you would have to go to the music category. You are commenting on a 3 year old thread in the amps- preamps section.

Listening to Eno as I type.


Does anyone listen to music anymore, or is everyone obsessing over the gear? Just thought I’d ask.

@thyname  Congratulations on your First Hand, Continued, Warranty'd, and Wanted PA 3100 HV.  : )  Looking forward to hearing your impressions and hopefully a comparison with your 3000 unit.

Back to the Soulution v. Luxman programming. 

So your comment below isn't a personal attack??

"like the award collector on facebook here, a definite Luxman fan boy to say the least"

Its not only an attack BUT its based on no factual basis. If your going to come at me you can surely expect to get Both Barrels coming right back at ya.  Go Troll (Stalk) somebody else. Your seriously one creepy dude.

Hey Craig ... I am not sure why you have to resort to personal attacks. And since you asked, I like the T+A 3000 so much that I ordered the newer PA 3100 HV. It should arrive in a few weeks. Cheers!
@hiendmmoe Thanks for pointing that out. I hadn’t noticed the "bal line phase" switch on the rear panel of the Luxman, which it seems safe to assume will take care of the polarity issue I described.

@yyzsantabarbara Although that switch makes it unnecessary to have the connections to pins 2 and 3 interchanged, typically that would be accomplished by ordering cables from a cable supplier that would be custom made in that configuration. Or by sending existing cables to the supplier, for them to rewire at one end. In some cases DIY ("do it yourself") might also be feasible.

-- Al
@hiendmmoe Are you referring to the BAL LINE PHASE INV switch?

@almarg Would you mind expanding a little on your statement

In that situation an alternative approach to achieving correct overall polarity would be to use a pair of XLR cables between the preamp and power amp which have the connections to pins 2 and 3 interchanged at one end
I plan on getting the m900u and trying it with the USA made Benchmark LA4 preamp. I plan on using XLR cables from pre to amp. Your statement above is my scenario. How does one actually interchange the connections to pins 2 and 3?
Yes the Luxman is pin 2- in its normal position, but it also has a setting for 2+.
Both amps are excellent in their own merits and it’s all system dependent. Go listen to both amps in your own setup / system and decide which one would be a better match in your own setup/system.
It’s all about system synergy. There’s no such a thing as "one size fits all" in this hobby.

As suggested earlier by almarg due to extremely low input impedance on the Soulution 511 would make a preamp pairing a lot harder than the Luxman unless when paired with its matching Soulution preamp.
Something to be considered.

I have no relevant experience but I would point out that the input impedance of the Soulution 511 is an extremely low 2K (balanced only). That would make it unsuitable for use with the majority of tube-based preamps, and with some solid state preamps as well. That is not an issue with the Luxman.

I would note, though, that the Luxman’s balanced inputs have XLR pin 3 "hot" (i.e., non-inverted relative to the polarity of the signal on the red output terminal) and XLR pin 2 "cold" (i.e., inverted relative to the polarity of the signal on the red output terminal), that being the opposite of what is usual for USA-made equipment. So to maintain absolute polarity the + and - connections to the speakers would have to be interchanged at one end, assuming no other polarity inversions are present in the signal path. And doing that **might** be a problem if the speakers incorporate powered woofers, or are otherwise powered, as in that situation the signals on the amp’s + outputs **might** be connected to ground by the speakers, either directly or through some low impedance. (In that situation an alternative approach to achieving correct overall polarity would be to use a pair of XLR cables between the preamp and power amp which have the connections to pins 2 and 3 interchanged at one end).

In any event, depending on the preamp that is used the low input impedance of the Soulution is likely to be a far more serious concern than the Luxman’s polarity reversal.

Good luck. Regards,
-- Al

Certainly not a fan boy of any brand. Dont even own a Luxman Amp...never have. I do have a Luxman CD Player and a Pre-Amp...both of which are still in the boxes I received them in and have never been used. Since your reading comprehension skills aren't up to snuff the only brands I have Power Amps OR Integrated are: ARC 160M, Dagostino 400 Monos, Audio Note Jinro, First Watt SIT-3 Mono's, Pass XA-25, Valvet E2SE.

Get your facts straight.  Hope your still enjoying your 2nd Hand, discontinued, No Warranty T+A that nobody wants

There is one way to know: try for yourself. When you post something like this, comparing two brands / amps, the fan boys will certainly jump in and "pump" their baby, like the award collector on facebook here, a definite Luxman fan boy to say the least
Ive been told by a couple of people that have tried both that the Soulution sounds "Sterile" as compared to the Luxman.  Guess you need to hear for yourself.

No experience myself, but you might consider these comments by someone who's words I trust (Viber7).

Soulution 511 + 520 -- This is an exquisite pairing and is both very transparent and very resolving although not quite to the level of the Element 118. This combo is a touch warm relative to the Element 118. No amp was as fast as the Element 118 although I would not consider the Soulution slow by any means. In fact, directly compared against anything from Pass Labs and a Luxman M-900u, I found the Soulution (both a 711 and 501) to easily outpace those amps.