Sold Sold Sold

Has anyone had a scenario like this ? Was talking to love4audio about buying a Auralic streamer. Told him I'd be out of the country for a week and would buy when I got back. Well as soon as I reached the states I emailed him to get it done. No response, I emailed 3 times with no answer.  Upon looking at the ad it now says Sold. I believe this is wrong on so many  levels and I will never buy from this type of seller. What you say ?


Showing 1 response by kennyc

If the seller explicitly agreed to hold it a week, then to do otherwise is lying - I’d have to agree with the buyer. I hold honesty and integrity in the highest regard.

If the buyer wanted to inconvenience the seller to wait a week "for free" thinking that he has earned some goodwill so deserves this special period, then I agree with the seller.

For the seller, it’s better to have cash now to move onto other things, than to wait later with the increased risk of non-performance.