Simaudio P5 or Conrad Johnson ET5

I currently have the CJ 17LS and like it a lot but I do feel like it may be the bottle neck in my system.  Therefore I am looking to replace with something that can provide better detail and dynamic.  The ET5 seems like a natural candidate but its weakness is that it does not offer balance connection which in itself could be the bottleneck.  The P5 is a two chassis design and has the sound somewhere between tube and solid state.  
The P5 used would be around 2K and the ET5 would probably around 4K or a bit less if I am lucky.
My current amp is Simaudio Moon W3.  The DAC is Ayre QB-9 DSD.

What are some of the alternatives with about the same price?
Thanks for the responses.  I really want to buy the ET5 but I feel like its lacking of balance connections may present a problem down the road.  A couple of more candidates are the SimAudio P7 and Ayre K-5xe.  Although I have not heard these but knowing their sound, the Ayre K-5xe probably will be slightly more cooler sounding vs. the P7.
Can’t say enough about my ET5.  Open, spacious, dynamic and crystal clear.  Teflon capacitors make a huge difference over previous CJ preamps.    

I have not heard the  Sim.      
There are a lot of great preAmps in that price range. 
But ive had the P-5, and it’s quite a bargain at $2k, 
 because of how good the detail and soundstage is
Another option, not discussed enough IMHO, would be upgrading what you currently have with premium parts. You might be amazed as to what is possible. I’d call Bill Thalmann of Music Technology, Backert labs and Jeff Fischelk at CJ for different options. IF you like what you have why not consider improve/upgrade with better caps, resistors, diodes and wire along with other improvements that might be available relative to your situation. Buying into an unknown quanity may or not work out but will most certainly cost you more. Good Luck!

I had a CJ ET-3SE which was nice but always seemed restrained. I ended up w/a Luxman CL38U-SE which totally blew away the CJ. It has balance and tone controls plus a mono switch. The phono really surprised me. It has 4 SUT's 2 for MC high and 2 for MC low. The look is very similar to the Marantz 7C. Price was $5995. They only made 100 of these as a special 90th Anniversary run. By the way I also demoed a 10K VAC and a ET5 neither one could compare to this preamp.