should i upgrade

i have a mcintosh mx132 pre amp tuner mated to a mcintosh mc602 power amp which i use only as a 2 chanell setup. i have 4 bose 901 series 2 speakers which i have hanging from the ceiling because i have a small living room. i have my tv connected to my system. i only use my system once a week for my tv and one classic fm rock station. i have posted before and all say i should update to more 'current' speakers! if i buy floor standing speakers i only have room for 2. i'm not picky about sound. there's many better speakers out there but if one has'nt heard them then they don't know what their missing. that's where i stand. in my situation, would it be a waste of money to buy better speakers? i think so but what do others out there think???

Try to find a way to go and *listen* to some speakers in your price range--that's the only way you'll know if the change is worthwhile to you.

If you're into the "immersive" sound afforded by 4 Bose's, perhaps also check out 5.1 home theater set-ups.

In your situation yes, waste of money. 

The way to avoid wasting money is to know what you hope to gain by spending that money. If you know you want more volume, more detail, more bass or treble- anything like that- then you can use that to shop for something better. Even if all you have is some vague idea of wanting "better" even that might be enough of a guide. But to run around spending money on something simply because some random guys here said "new speakers" or whatever, is to virtually guarantee a waste of good money. 

Sadly most of the random advice here is precisely that- how to spend and waste money. As if spending money itself is the goal. At this they are quite good! 

Before spending any money at all I would advise spending time paying close attention to how you listen, what aspects of listening you enjoy the most, and then thinking about how you might like it better. 

If at all. Nothing wrong with being content with what you have.